WA Election

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White Indigene

Re: WA Election

Post by White Indigene » Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:12 am

Hebe wrote:
The phenomena is new actually, in that society has never seen this sort of wealth, power and material modernity, never in history. So it is new, and those clutching to it with all their might and gnarly fingers, have barely slipped through the historical noose of scare resources.

Hence the collective and aged consciesness views the resources of liquidity as scare, and distribute it narrowly, selfishly.

This will have repurcussions largely, in about another decade, if it is not all resovled before the great buriel of the aged.
I might be able to respond if I could understand your use of the language. I gather that's it's some sort of blame-game targeting people presumably older than you are.

I meant to write 'Scarce', not scare, but in reductionism and Lefty political campaigning, it amounts to the same meaning.

Blame game no, but for sure, the BBGen hold responsibility for what goes on, though this is waning in the late afternoon of their existance. Sure, WA is cashed up, money in the pockets and koffers, but the power brokers remain the same, the BBGen; so the faults remain wih this generation, and it is these that they should take to their grave, not the money and power.

Ifn BBGen had devolved power and resources befitting the alleged liberal democracy, the looming crisis would not be so bad; instead BBGen opted for contemporary Marxism, and distributed their accruals according to a more narrow and ordered power vertical, whilst everywhere else, the wise and the observant were clamouring for divestment.

It never came, still hasnt (though I think finally there is a discreet passing of the batten).

On my typing- I have discovered it is a brain thing (beleive it or not). Because I was never on a computer/keyboard until 7 years ago, I wasnt taught touchtype. I can only type by looking and poking at the keyboard. I have a bit of speed, but low accuracy. The problem comes with left/right brain. Depending on my frame of mind, one side will exceed the speed of the other, hence typo's, and some times massively. Thank god for MS autocorrect.

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Re: WA Election

Post by Hebe » Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:45 pm

Now that's an argument. I'm sorry about the typing snipe - it's a bugger, but you aren't alone. It takes me longer to correct what I typed than it did for me to type it.

There is huge prejudice against the BBs. Understandably. But there are some who are pretty horrified by what our generation has wrought, a lot of it with the best of intentions, and are trying to make amends. So the generalisations piss me off a bit. And I don't often see Gens X and Y stepping up to do anything for society. Perhaps it's a Tasmanian thing?
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White Indigene

Re: WA Election

Post by White Indigene » Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:25 pm

Hebe wrote:So the generalisations piss me off a bit. And I don't often see Gens X and Y stepping up to do anything for society. Perhaps it's a Tasmanian thing?
I guess a generalisation is better than a direct inflection.

I have been wanton to step up to the mark for years and years, but have been met with massive barriers thrown up not only by BBGen, but the aging society in general. First the line was 'experience', and then came the snipping 'attitude', and finally this was all overun by a galloping advancement in society to the point where the mantle has shifted to GenY, because GenX was swept aside by the cold hand of previous generations.

So while BBGen still hold a majority of social powers, they have found it in their wisdom to simply overlook and thus underplace the next of kin, proffering now that it is the best idea to look after GenY, for they are more worthy (for some reason). Hence, in my case at least, I have been flogged down the highway of life to the point where I no longer am able to get energised for any kind of power making effort, thus, I am unable any longer to do what is needed; especially when I face the ever hostile BBGen. To whom I am a total reactionary now.

For- and in me, this has created a disease, which I must now live with; a very stiffling situation, for which the past decades only guarantee the frustration, humiliation and struggle of the ensuing ones. Whilst I watch GenY get exhalted as the glorious generation of our age, I must sit and watch as BBGen engraciates the pages of history, cementing the future of GenY simply becuase they exist and BBGen knows it must do something. I must humbly accept the carping and haurranging delivered to me and mine, for that is the lot of our generation, whilst BBGen and GenY, are befriended as fellow travellers in history.

My generation I spose will be a discard.

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Re: WA Election

Post by Hebe » Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:48 pm

Perhaps we should all just stop thinking of people as a "generation" and start thinking of them as individuals. I never thought of myself as a BB until people younger than me started complaining about them.
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White Indigene

Re: WA Election

Post by White Indigene » Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:37 pm

Change of subject.

Putting Claire Martin in charge of ACOSS, is the same as putting Satan in charge of the Morgue.

The correlatioin between Martin and death in society is way too significant to be ignored, the risk to Australia is way too great, and any positive work done by ACOSS will be way undone.

Martin should be removed from the position immediately, and no money should be allowed to change hands.

The vampires have no mercy, mark my words.

White Indigene

Re: WA Election

Post by White Indigene » Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:15 pm

Odd there hasnt been a declaration yet.

I just doesnt add up; oh wait, mebee Ill ask Dringy, it might be my misunderstood mindthink that is at fault.

There's really no reason why WA Labor shouldnt pass the smell test :twisted:


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Re: WA Election

Post by Mattus » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:01 pm

I saw Goody McGinty dancing with the devil!

This is fucked though, really. The labor guys may well be fluffy bunnies. The liberals disorganized and incapable. But either one is better than a hung parliament. Frogen, Plough, your state will stagnate in this shit. You will lose the massive lead the boom has given you over the rest of Australia. A labor/national coalition just cannot govern, there's too much history there. This is the worst possible outcome.
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JW Frogen
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Re: WA Election

Post by JW Frogen » Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:36 pm

Mattus wrote:. Frogen, Plough, your state will stagnate in this shit.
Uncanny will land on his feet. He did last time I threw him off the Bankwest tower.

Still, we won't know until Sunday who the Nationals sold their souls to.

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Re: WA Election

Post by JW Frogen » Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:20 pm

Its the Libs.

It would seem the Nationals were worried that a National-Labor coalition would have them both dependent on the Greens in the Senate and the Nationals just could not stomach that.

My question is with a parliment this close can the Libs actually do anything?

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Re: WA Election

Post by Mattus » Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:59 pm

No one can do anything. After 5 years of unparalleled prosperity the state has basically fucked itself in the ear. The stupidity of the electorate has always baffled me.

The Libs are fucking insane to take this poisoned chalice. After one term of a impotent hung parliament and the balance of power being some fucking redneck from Kalgoorlie, the state will be gone to shit and begging Labor to put them back on track.
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