Australian immigration

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Black Orchid
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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Black Orchid » Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:21 pm

He's forgotten where he came from. Much like they all do.

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Aquarius » Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:41 am

Jasin wrote:
Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:28 am
Yes. Very un-labor-like for him to chase the rich. So much for 'working class' Labor.
I can't see him being re-elected. The working poor who he is supposed to represent as a Labor PM, are deserting the party in droves. Although I'm a conservative, I don't choose the Libs as my first pick. That will always go to the Sustainable Australia Party. I just wish they could field a few better candidates. Dick Smith said he would have stood for the party at the last election if he had been a bit younger but had to decline because of his age.

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Aquarius » Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:02 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:21 pm
He's forgotten where he came from. Much like they all do.
He grew up on welfare in Housing Commission. He liked to talk about this in the past ... he doesn't do that so much these days since his govt brought in so many immigrants there is no welfare housing for those who desperately need it. So they are left to languish on never-ending waiting lists and being kicked from pillar to post in the private sector. Whilst he at least had a stable and secure childhood in social housing, that is denied to the vulnerable of today thanks to his govt's Big Australia policies and his commitment to his big business backers and donators.

So there's not really much difference between Liberal and Labor these days ... but at least the Libs do have a social conscience where the vulnerable are concerned. And that is sadly lacking in Albo these days. But I suppose he can console himself with his very impressive property portfolio which I imagine is more of a concern to him than getting a roof over the heads of destitute families.

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Jasin » Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:26 am

He's a Western Sydney 'Houso' that has tasted the fast money of the Melbournian Eastern 'Mondos'.
Being rich for him now, is like licking one of Biden's icecreams at the Melbournian Tennis for the wealthy.

He's rushed from nothing towards nought at the end. He's taken the 'criminal' path of both cities - West Sydney/East Melbourne (Poor/Rich) in the name of the USA. Hence why his dependency upon the Media to get him through Politics.

What I do like is the Assyrian Priest kicking his 'ass' over him trying to block his stabbing from Public Awareness.

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Aquarius » Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:58 am

I think he doesn't want the rest of the world to see that we are suffering from ethnic/religious violence down under. It was just shocking - that this bishop's own congregation violently attacked police who were trying to restore order. I couldn't believe how they reacted! Smashing police cars - attacking police and breaking one officer's jaw - I would have expected that from the mussos. But these were supposedly Christians?

Just goes to show - the whole of the Middle East is a quagmire, a cesspit. Doesn't matter what religion, they're all the same. Don't deserve to live in a free and democratic society where the majority of citizens value a law-abiding population. Not these violent immigrants who bring the same thuggery and bloodshed from their former homelands. It's destroying this country.

As a mother of two police officers I am absolutely appalled and can only thank god my kids do their policing in civilised areas like the northside of Sydney and the Blue Mountains and which are mainly populated by law-abiding white Australians.

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Jasin » Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:07 am

They did that because they know in Australia they are NOT allowed to retaliate 'directly' against the Moslems and that the Police/Albanese/etc - do NOTHING to stop Moslems from doing what they do. They basically took their 'frustrations' out on who was 'long term' responsible... the Australian Politicians and their Police. It was a statement to say "This shouldn't have to happen, but it did - because of 'your' incompetence Albanese" and all this Pro-Terrorism (Palestine) in the Media. For the Police/Media to then throw a blanket over it by labelling 'rioters' as Terrorists - just shows how pathetic Australian 'Media' Propaganda has become. It's almost like from the USSR back in the 50's. :roll

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:15 pm

I see Albo as a one term wonder. He doesn't even deserve that and the sooner we get rid of Jim Chalmers, Cassanova Bowen, Penny Sharpe (NSW) et al will be a day to rejoice, I hope. There's not too much between them but the Libs are hands down the better of two evils even though I don't trust them on immigration either.

Unfortunately all those Teals who were voted in last election turned out to be nothing more than Greens/Labor in disguise.

We just gave another $100 million to Ukraine taking our contribution to over $1 trillion when people can't afford to buy or rent housing at home. What would Ukraine do if we were invaded? Absolutely nothing!

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Bobby » Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:35 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:15 pm
I see Albo as a one term wonder. He doesn't even deserve that and the sooner we get rid of Jim Chalmers, Cassanova Bowen, Penny Sharpe (NSW) et al will be a day to rejoice, I hope. There's not too much between them but the Libs are hands down the better of two evils even though I don't trust them on immigration either.

Unfortunately all those Teals who were voted in last election turned out to be nothing more than Greens/Labor in disguise.

We just gave another $100 million to Ukraine taking our contribution to over $1 trillion when people can't afford to buy or rent housing at home. What would Ukraine do if we were invaded? Absolutely nothing!
It's just over 1 $billion actually - a lot of money.

We're all alone facing China. :WTF

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Jasin » Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:44 pm

ALP and NLP have 'absorbed' other parties and then dissolved them.
The Nationals have become weak under the Liberals and the Democrats are now dissolved from coming under the Liberal wing.
The Unions have become weak with Labor and the Greens have gone from being Environmentalists to absolute whackjobs in alliance with ALP.
The Independents are also being absorbed by both major Parties who are doing this to weaken them as an 'independent' threat.
They need to stay 'independent' from BOTH the ALP & NLP or they will also become a laughing stock.

The best example was Rudd conning the Green 'Environmental' threat of Peter Garret, to join the ALP with the 'promise' that his environmental aims would benefit greater under ALP. Garret was stupid enough to believe that and jumped across, only to find he was given an empty room to twiddle his thumbs in. Rudd had basically removed him from the scene. That was the end of Garret's political career.

The Public's only hope against this Binary-system of ALP & NLP is the Independents and that was the original attraction about them - 'independent'.
But more of them are just becoming 'extensions' of both Parties now.

The ALP was traditionally for the working class (basically 'blue collar')
and the NLP was for the 'wealthier' class (basically 'white collar'... though where 'white collar' is superior to blue collar, is beyond me to understand as 'both' are PROCESS workers be it physical or mental).

But now, the ALP seems to chase the 'Media' and the Media savvy Left wealthier boutique snobbery.
The NLP now seems a bit more compassionate to the poorer Australians.

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Aquarius » Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:12 am

Jasin wrote:
Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:07 am
They did that because they know in Australia they are NOT allowed to retaliate 'directly' against the Moslems and that the Police/Albanese/etc - do NOTHING to stop Moslems from doing what they do. They basically took their 'frustrations' out on who was 'long term' responsible... the Australian Politicians and their Police. It was a statement to say "This shouldn't have to happen, but it did - because of 'your' incompetence Albanese" and all this Pro-Terrorism (Palestine) in the Media. For the Police/Media to then throw a blanket over it by labelling 'rioters' as Terrorists - just shows how pathetic Australian 'Media' Propaganda has become. It's almost like from the USSR back in the 50's. :roll

I think you will find that the police hierarchy is the problem, not the police you'd be likely to come across on the beat and the ones that are the first responders. That's why I won't stand for police being attacked like that after the bishop was stabbed. Look, I'd like to see police having greater powers like in the old days. I'd like to see police being able to give a kick up the bum of delinquent kids. In those days, they'd take the kid back home and his father would then give him another kick up the bum. This usually had the desired effect of getting the kid back on track. But these days you can't lay a finger on the little terrors. They must be treated with kid gloves.

But back to the bishop and his violent congregation - I wonder if these rioting Middle Easterners realise that ordinary police are on their side - or were before being attacked like that. They wanted to get at that kid and naturally the police had to stop them. What's wrong with these apeshit males? They're typical of all volatile middle eastern men - they just go ape and carry on like lunatics. They have no self control. They want to take the law into their own hands and mete out their own "justice."

Now my older son worked at the State Crime Command and was seconded to the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad. There were orders from the hierarchy for all police everywhere not to mention the religion of the perpetrators when they were writing up their police reports. However virtually every cop ignored that and wrote "Muslim" in their reports, whereas they don't write Christians or Buddhists or Sikhs or Hindus etc. The hierarchy don't like it, but they can't do anything about it because an officer's reports are their reports and whatever they write in them. And because they know who the troublemakers and criminals are in our society today and that these mussos always play the race card and lie and make unfounded accusations against police officers going about their duties.

These f**king mussos have made unfounded accusations against many police including my son. Then at the 11th hour they will drop the accusations a day before going into court - yet they are never held to account for the lies and deceptions. Never fined or jailed. So they keep doing it and getting away with it. :S

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