Australian immigration

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Bobby » Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:12 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 5:55 pm
I tried it and just typed "I'll try it" and this is what I got ...

<t>I'll try it.</t>

I guess you just need to clean it up and then C&P it back into the post reply box.
yes - at least you can copy and paste only your message
and then use it again with another post.
It would be great if you had typed a long 1,000 word post. :)

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:33 pm

Bobby wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:03 pm
Black Orchid wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:47 pm
Click on your name at the very top right then go to your User Control Panel.

Under the 'Overview' tab on the left scroll down to 'Manage Drafts' and they should be there.
I only had one word - test.
You're right thanks but this is what it turns out like when I copy and paste:

<r><QUOTE author="Aquarius" post_id="334763" time="1712791607" user_id="11890"><s>
Aquarius wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:26 am
I was just replying to a post by Black Orchid when I got a phone call. I clicked on Save Draft - and now can't find that draft to continue. <E>:?:</E>

When you're quoting it needs too much cleaning up. Best just to draft a single post you want to make.

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Aquarius » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:16 am

Thanks for those instructions Black Orchid - I would normally shorten that to BO but I don't think that sounds fitting. I'll have to get back to that draft again later as I'm leaving very shortly.

This is why I prefer Proboards forums. They save your posts. You can just lose your post for whatever reason but when you come back to the particular thread again, it will advise: We found a recent draft you were working on. Would you like to restore it. Followed by the message with a Yes/No. And no need to clean it up at all.

Easy peasy.

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Aquarius » Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:27 am

I can't believe I lost another post! I think I will have to write things in Notepad in future so I don't lose them because it's really aggravating and time consuming. As for the original draft - after checking in the User Control Panel I am advised that no drafts found. :x
Black Orchid: Chattywoo it's called now! Then there's Eatywoo (Eastwood) and I can't remember what they call Epping. GorDON. Many many storefronts, illegaly, only display Chinese symbols too. No English.

When Hong Kong was handed back to the Chinese many bought homes in and around Sydney and then sent their young kids here and left them without supervision. They thought if their kids were well educated, well fed and clothed etc that they didn't need family.

There was one Chinese girl, Joyce, at my son's primary school and she lived alone for years until it was found out. She had a credit tab at the local supermarket and other organised credit but she lived in a huge house all alone. She was only found out when the next door neighbour passed away as the neighbour had been keeping an eye out for her as Joyce was in the same class as the neighbour's son.

After that many cases like this were found in and around Sydney. Several kids under 12 to a house and all living by themselves.

I've said this before and been yelled down by the moonbats with cries of BS or "racist" but it's absolutely true.

It was just recently in the news about a kid living alone in rural China whose parents had both left to work in the city. Such is life when you are nothing more than a slave working in those 24/7 factories. You would hope the kid would have grandparents or some other family member to look after him. Poor kid - he was killed by three school bullies who had made his life an absolute torment. I suppose leaving kids on the northside of Sydney would be safer but I wouldn't like to see kids left alone in south west or western Sydney! And I wonder why these kids' living conditions are not reported to child welfare?

But back to Chatswood - when my older son located to Bathurst, his house was down by the river. Every time I'd take the dog for a walk, I'd be looking across at an old church on the hill opposite. I decided to walk there one day and look at all the old graves because I was really interested in genealogy and colonial history. As I was walking around, a lady approached and asked me if I was looking for the old colonial graves, as this was the oldest church in Bathurst. She asked me if I lived locally and when I told her where I lived in Sydney, she was pleasantly surprised and told me she used to live in Chatswood. She said she and her husband were upset about all the new developments in their suburb. If they stayed, their beautiful Federation house would be hemmed in on all sides by 12 storey unit blocks (full of Chinese) and block all the light to the garden they had loved since they moved in when they married. She said they saw the writing on the wall and sold up because the suburb was fast losing its character and charm and they were feeling increasingly isolated as long time friends and neighbours sold up to the developers and left.

It's really sad that we ordinary people have to lose our lifestyles to accommodate all the clamouring hordes from China, India, the ME and Africa because that's what govts, big business, multi nationals and multi millionaires want. And it's sad that people have to relocate to rural areas to live amongst their own society.

Look, I'm not going to run down all immigrants. Our family doctor was Chinese/Australian - 7th generation!! He was the most fantastic guy, more like a friend than a doctor. My current doctor for the last 25 years is Vietnamese/Australian. I am not racist in the least. I have worked with every nationality as a nurse. Some of my best friends are from Chile, The Philippines and Singapore. The difference is assimilation. Some of these immigrants coming in - like muslims - will never even integrate let alone assimilate.

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Apr 13, 2024 10:42 am

I agree with you absolutely on all counts.

Speaking of churches, there was a huge uproar around North Sydney a few years ago when old churches were being sold. Many were being bought by Muslims and the residents were rightly in an uproar. The churches and/or church halls were being converted into mosques and musallahs.

There's an old church on the Pacific Highway in Chatswood that's been sold several times in recent years and it has a small cemetery attached. I don't know who has bought it though.

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Bobby » Sat Apr 13, 2024 4:01 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2024 10:42 am
I agree with you absolutely on all counts.

Speaking of churches, there was a huge uproar around North Sydney a few years ago when old churches were being sold. Many were being bought by Muslims and the residents were rightly in an uproar. The churches and/or church halls were being converted into mosques and musallahs.

There's an old church on the Pacific Highway in Chatswood that's been sold several times in recent years and it has a small cemetery attached. I don't know who has bought it though.
Were they putting large round golden domes on churches? :)

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Jasin » Sat Apr 13, 2024 5:41 pm

The Great Replacement (of Churches into Mosques)

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Aquarius » Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:15 am

It's happening everywhere because the churches and old halls are already zoned for religious purposes. Saves the mussos having to get council approval in other areas when there will be thousands of objections from the residents. There was an English lady on another board who lived in London. She said that there was a church hall in her quiet street and the residents were very alarmed when they heard a muslim group was buying it. She took up a petition which they presented to council. She said she had seen this happen over and over in surrounding areas because she worked in a bank that had a insurance arm. All the banks were aware of this - that once the sale had gone through, the mussos would insure the hall for more than it was worth, then a fairly short time later, the church hall would burn to the ground. The mussos would be screaming Islamaphobia, racism!! Whatever. When it was they themselves who burnt the church hall down. But it's so easy to play the race card in the West. And then the insurance group would have to pay out which went towards building the new mosque after they put in new plans to council which would always be approved. And the new mosque would be huge and take up the whole block which shouldn't have been approved on those grounds. However councils are afraid of mussos and being accused of bias and anti musso prejudice. Anyway a councillor came out - an Indian - and said he sympathised with the residents but their protest would go nowhere with council. Even though it meant a huge surge in traffic into that quiet little street. And noise complaints regarding the dozens of calls to prayer. So she promptly sold before the shit hit the fan - otherwise the only people wanting in after the hall was rebuilt as a mosque, would be mussos. And the value of her property would have dropped to the extent she might not have been able to buy a comparable property anywhere else. Then the mussos descend and buy up. She got out and moved to Devon far away from the crap that was happening in Londonistan.

I saw it here in Greenacre where an old friend grew up. This was basically a working class suburb and was about the time the mussos were first arriving here towards the late 70s and they were moving into the Bankstown area. Another decade on and the writing was on the wall - residents were selling before their properties were basically worthless. Unfortunately her father was very ill and in hospital - it was a terrible time for them. Her parents ended up with mussos on both sides and they continually had dozens of mussos coming into their street, parking in their driveway and basically intimidating them. Her mother asked them not to park across the driveway because they needed access for the ambulance. They just ignored her and the noise from hundreds of them congregating for all sorts of celebrations was relentless. When her father died, her mother put the house on the market - no one wanted to buy it. She had to drop the price considerably and then on cue another musso bought up cheap. She didn't have enough money for another house and had to buy a small unit elsewhere.

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Jasin » Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:29 pm

Terrible stuff Aquarius. Yeah - I worked (Renovations) at the Baptise School at Greenacre just around from that Islamic School.
Just driving back home via the road running along the Moslem school and all the Moslem men would be out giving filthy hostile stares as if they 'own' everything, even the road. Not nice folk and I don't think they could work out who was stealing their 'unlabelled' brand new Witches-Hats they put out for 'priority parking' outside their school. :P

They call 'racism', etc because the 'Media' and Lefties allow them to.
I had moslems come up and whinge to me often about other Construction workers being racist to them and discriminating, etc.
But the truth was, the Moslems brought it upon themselves with their initiating hostilities. I really didn't give a damn and told them to shut up, harden up with some 'thick skin' and get back to work (as the Project Manager's 'Whip').

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Re: Australian immigration

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:40 pm

I was a carer for someone I had to take to a community centre in Chattywoo to meet with someone from TAG. I walked them into the wrong room and there were 50 men with their shoes at the door and their bums in the air inside.

I got out of there fast but I don't think community centres should be used as prayer halls.

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