Is the Democratic controlled US government hopelessly corrupt?

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Is the Democratic controlled US government hopelessly corrupt?

Post by Bogan » Wed Dec 14, 2022 5:44 am

It is incredible that a sitting us President is a paid agent of China, which is the undeclared enemy of the USA. Because of this, the President of the USA is owned by the Chinese government. That this makes Joe Biden beholden to the Chinese communists goes without saying. The story of how such a situation transpired is interesting, to say the least. Senior unelected public service department heads, who think that they really are the government, (not the representatives of the people) took it upon themselves to corrupt the US electoral system by any means necessary, in order to install a tame President who would just do whatever they wanted him to do. But they had a problem. Their list of possible Democrat candidates for the job of a house trained President was so bereft of anyone who was not an outright lunatic, that they were forced to choose a senile old man for the job, a man that they knew that they could control. They probably knew that Joe Biden was corrupt, because they probably all are and Joe is no different. What they miscalculated on was just how corrupt Joe and his family really were. And that Joe's idiot son would be so stu-pid that he would leave verifiable evidence of the family corruption lying around in a laptop computer, which he put in for service and forgot about.

This created a serious problem for the Democratic party and their senior pubic service backers. The news that the Biden family was so corrupt that it was taking money from China had to be suppressed at all costs, or it would have tipped the election to Donald Trump, who, up till then, was the most effective enemy of the senior public service "swamp." Selling congressional votes and influence for cash is the very essence of political corruption, and Joe and Hunter were enthusiastic devotees of this behaviour. The FBI is the world's premier crime fighting organisation, and rooting out political corruption is part of their job description. But here we had the corrupt leaders of the FBI, the same ones who had run a sham investigation of President Trump over the "Russia collusion" hoax, who knew the evidence they had clearly pointed to Joe and Hunter's political corruption. And instead of prosecuting Joe and Hunter, the FBI became part of the political coverup. They went to their mates in Big Tech which had a lot of former FBI, Homeland Security, and CIA bigwigs doing well paid non jobs, to censor the whole story of Biden's treasonous corruption. In this behaviour, they were using Big Tech to outsource the censorship of a story that they most desperately did not want the public to be aware of. Putin was probably taking notes over how to pull the wool over the public.

All of this unacceptable corruption came about because the Fourth Estate. The so called "free press" is likewise corrupted and seems infested with ideologically pure media hacks who know that toeing the party line, and refusing to see over their ideological blinkers, is the best way to get ahead in a media career. The politically partisan press has a lot to answer for. Democracy dies in darkness, and our fake news press was too busy turning off the lights in the most corrupt corridors of power, because they supported the corrupt politicians who were playing the role of Elmer Gantry, and publicly supporting every fashionable woke cause, while they stuffed their pockets with money..


Re: Is the Democratic controlled US government hopelessly corrupt?

Post by Aussie » Wed Dec 14, 2022 5:55 pm

Hello Bogan.....nice to see you back. Carry on.

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Re: Is the Democratic controlled US government hopelessly corrupt?

Post by Mortdooley » Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:24 am

Well said.
Taxpayers are the modern equivalent of Hebrew slaves building the pyramids for the Egyptian political class.

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Re: Is the Democratic controlled US government hopelessly corrupt?

Post by LearJet » Wed Feb 15, 2023 1:23 pm

Bogan wrote:
Wed Dec 14, 2022 5:44 am
It is incredible that a sitting us President is a paid agent of China, which is the undeclared enemy of the USA. Because of this, the President of the USA is owned by the Chinese government. That this makes Joe Biden beholden to the Chinese communists goes without saying. The story of how such a situation transpired is interesting, to say the least. Senior unelected public service department heads, who think that they really are the government, (not the representatives of the people) took it upon themselves to corrupt the US electoral system by any means necessary, in order to install a tame President who would just do whatever they wanted him to do. But they had a problem. Their list of possible Democrat candidates for the job of a house trained President was so bereft of anyone who was not an outright lunatic, that they were forced to choose a senile old man for the job, a man that they knew that they could control. They probably knew that Joe Biden was corrupt, because they probably all are and Joe is no different. What they miscalculated on was just how corrupt Joe and his family really were. And that Joe's idiot son would be so stu-pid that he would leave verifiable evidence of the family corruption lying around in a laptop computer, which he put in for service and forgot about.

This created a serious problem for the Democratic party and their senior pubic service backers. The news that the Biden family was so corrupt that it was taking money from China had to be suppressed at all costs, or it would have tipped the election to Donald Trump, who, up till then, was the most effective enemy of the senior public service "swamp." Selling congressional votes and influence for cash is the very essence of political corruption, and Joe and Hunter were enthusiastic devotees of this behaviour. The FBI is the world's premier crime fighting organisation, and rooting out political corruption is part of their job description. But here we had the corrupt leaders of the FBI, the same ones who had run a sham investigation of President Trump over the "Russia collusion" hoax, who knew the evidence they had clearly pointed to Joe and Hunter's political corruption. And instead of prosecuting Joe and Hunter, the FBI became part of the political coverup. They went to their mates in Big Tech which had a lot of former FBI, Homeland Security, and CIA bigwigs doing well paid non jobs, to censor the whole story of Biden's treasonous corruption. In this behaviour, they were using Big Tech to outsource the censorship of a story that they most desperately did not want the public to be aware of. Putin was probably taking notes over how to pull the wool over the public.

All of this unacceptable corruption came about because the Fourth Estate. The so called "free press" is likewise corrupted and seems infested with ideologically pure media hacks who know that toeing the party line, and refusing to see over their ideological blinkers, is the best way to get ahead in a media career. The politically partisan press has a lot to answer for. Democracy dies in darkness, and our fake news press was too busy turning off the lights in the most corrupt corridors of power, because they supported the corrupt politicians who were playing the role of Elmer Gantry, and publicly supporting every fashionable woke cause, while they stuffed their pockets with money..
I like the way you acquit yourself well, yes very well indeed.

Bravo! :thumb

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