Abbott the quiet achiever...

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Re: Abbott the quiet achiever...

Post by Hebe » Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:08 pm

There's a lot of good stuff posted on Facebook. I suppose it depends on whether you follow intelligent people or idiots. On talkback radio, you don't get a choice. It's all idiots.

And the Facebook posts provide references, rather than just state opinions. I'd back it over talkback radio any day, especially the misogynist poison dwarf Alan Jones. I might have known you'd listen to him. :roll:

It's just a matter of exercising good judgement in the use of social media. A skill that seems to have eluded you.
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Re: Abbott the quiet achiever...

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:28 pm

Hebe wrote:There's a lot of good stuff posted on Facebook. Feel free to list it. I suppose it depends on whether you follow intelligent people or idiots. Now now that is rubbish. On talkback radio, you don't get a choice. It's all idiots. In fact that is majorly incorrect many people, commentators included, are quite knowledgeable, and there are always experts and the people actually involved being interviewed. :roll: :roll: :roll: Perhaps you need enlightenment hebe.

And the Facebook posts provide references, rather than just state opinions. So you are incapable of doing a cut and paste or your own research via google? I'd back it over talkback radio any day, I wouldn't, but I am giving you a chance. especially the misogynist poison dwarf Alan Jones. I might have known you'd listen to him. :roll:
Well I don't particularly like Jones. I didn't mention him did I. If you'd read stuff from me before you'd know I don't like him much. you'd know i think he should retire. you'd know I think he's not as bright as he'd like to thinks he is etc, etc, etc. doesn't mean he's wrong about everything or that he doesn't invite interesting people onto his show that if we are lucky he doesn't just talk over them.

So looks like you were wrong about me again eh hebe.

It's just a matter of exercising good judgement in the use of social media. A skill that seems to have eluded you. I think facebook is crap. I'm on it. But don't use it often. I have friends on it and none of them would be stupid enough to join or friend a political site. Mostly I've noticed it is full of inanity and crap. Like I said list away.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

DaS Energy

Re: Abbott the quiet achiever...

Post by DaS Energy » Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:46 pm

Question can somebody supply what TONY Abbott the Quiet Achiever has achieved aside from keeping Greg Hunt away from the world media, which we agree is better than letting him again make a fool of himself and Abbott again in the world media. His response to question about Abbotts climate change is bullshit and crap is a doozy, not much wonder Abbott keeps him locked a room.

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Re: Abbott the quiet achiever...

Post by Rorschach » Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:42 am

Delegations and negotiations are the remit of the Minister for Foreign Affairs
'sup to that department people not Greg Hunt or his.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

Phil E. Buster

Re: Abbott the quiet achiever...

Post by Phil E. Buster » Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:51 pm

Didn’t Mr Abbott ask the Australian people to judge him on his performance in government?

Really, that’s so unfair. If Mr Abbott has a bad day and destroys the relationship with our biggest, nearest neighbour, I think we should give him another go.

If Mr Abbott says he’ll turn back the boats when it is safe to do so and doesn’t, I think we should give him.a second chance. After all, it’s not Mr Abbott’s fault the Indonesians won’t take their boats. They should have told him. Kevin Rudd should have told him.

If Mr Abbott forgets to tell the media what he’s up to and we’re left with reports from Jakarta, I think we should practice forgiveness. That’s the Christian thing to do. It’s easy to forget to tell the voters things in a busy day. It’s easy to forget things when journalists ask. Everyone has their minor slip-ups.

Judge not, as ye surely shall be judged. And yes, the toughest judge of Mr Abbott is Mr Abbott himself. Look at the way he tossed and turned over his travel claims for sporting events. We know this weighed heavily on Mr Abbott’s conscience.

Mr Abbott believes every last cent of taxpayers’ money should be accounted for. He told us so himself.

So no, I don’t think it’s fair to judge Mr Abbott on his performance in government. This is most unfair, and not something Mr Abbott would seek to do to anyone else. If in opposition, Mr Abbott would practice grace and kindness. He would never seek to play politics with asylum seekers’ lives, or the sovereignty of our nation’s borders, no.When it comes to the national interest, Mr Abbott would help the government in whatever way he could.

Yes, leftards, we should forgive and forget, it’s the Christian thing to do.

Only Mr Abbott can STOP THE BOATS.

DaS Energy

Re: Abbott the quiet achiever...

Post by DaS Energy » Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:07 pm

Perfection. That one should be framed!

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Re: Abbott the quiet achiever...

Post by Rorschach » Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:08 pm

Phil E. Buster wrote:Didn’t Mr Abbott ask the Australian people to judge him on his performance in government? Well so far according to the polls he's doing great.

Really, that’s so unfair. If Mr Abbott has a bad day and destroys the relationship with our biggest, nearest neighbour, I think we should give him another go. Which he hasn't done

If Mr Abbott says he’ll turn back the boats when it is safe to do so and doesn’t, I think we should give him.a second chance. After all, it’s not Mr Abbott’s fault the Indonesians won’t take their boats. They should have told him. Kevin Rudd should have told him. I believe kruddy as much as I believe Juliar. Abbott is already ahead of labor re boats being returned to Indonesia cool eh...

If Mr Abbott forgets to tell the media what he’s up to and we’re left with reports from Jakarta, I think we should practice forgiveness. That’s the Christian thing to do. It’s easy to forget to tell the voters things in a busy day. It’s easy to forget things when journalists ask. Everyone has their minor slip-ups. YAWN... do you miss Kruddy reports about this that and nothing do you? Laurie Oakes does and so does the Canberra press gallery... too bad so sad.

Judge not, as ye surely shall be judged. And yes, the toughest judge of Mr Abbott is Mr Abbott himself. Look at the way he tossed and turned over his travel claims for sporting events. We know this weighed heavily on Mr Abbott’s conscience. I suppose it would if he rorted it or was found guilty of having done so... yet noth a peep from the Department of Finance or the AFP.

Mr Abbott believes every last cent of taxpayers’ money should be accounted for. He told us so himself. Good for him :D :D :D

So no, I don’t think it’s fair to judge Mr Abbott on his performance in government. This is most unfair, and not something Mr Abbott would seek to do to anyone else. If in opposition, Mr Abbott would practice grace and kindness. He would never seek to play politics with asylum seekers’ lives, or the sovereignty of our nation’s borders, no.When it comes to the national interest, Mr Abbott would help the government in whatever way he could. I remember Juliar saying to the Howard government that another boat another policy failure... you seem to have a great deal of problems with your memory... both short and long term :rofl :rofl :rofl

Yes, leftards, we should forgive and forget, it’s the Christian thing to do. The only people worthy of the Leftard tag are the progressive Left.

Only Mr Abbott can STOP THE BOATS. Must irk you that boats have stopped by 75% since the Coalition and Sovereign Borders started. Must be why you post pathetic nonsense. :rofl :rofl :rofl
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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