Dying for your country

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Rainbow Moonlight
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Dying for your country

Post by Rainbow Moonlight » Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:20 pm

is an old fashioned, out of date notion. In the world we live in increasingly people will die for their corporation - or maybe someone else's.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Dying for your country

Post by JW Frogen » Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:19 pm

Tell that to the Iraqi soldiers dying so that their brothers and sisters never suffer another Saddam, or Al Qeada theocracy.

Though, you probably are in no place to tell them anything.


Re: Dying for your country

Post by skippy » Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:53 am

JW Frogen wrote:Tell that to the Iraqi soldiers dying so that their brothers and sisters never suffer another Saddam, or Al Qeada theocracy.

Though, you probably are in no place to tell them anything.
Well if it wasn't for the rodent and george w Al Qeada wouldn't be a problem, Al Qeada never existed in Iraq before they were invaded by Bush, Howard and co.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Dying for your country

Post by JW Frogen » Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:46 am

Actually Al Qeada was in Iraq prior to the present war, albeit in a place Saddam did not control. But he also let in Al Qaeda operative Zarcawi and his secret services were negotiating with them for some sort of cooperation, do not tell me tyrant Saddam knew nothing about this. Also Saddam gave succor one of the original WTC bombers in the early 90s.

This tyrant was a total nihilist, basing his personal power on Stalin. Literally Stalin was his role model. He would have supported anyone who temporarily served his ambitions.

Still, I do not think Iraqis should have forever been given the choice to die under Saddam simply to prevent Al Qeada from a temporary battle there.

The only way they can be rid of both forms of mass violence is democracy. Something they have voted for three times.


Re: Dying for your country

Post by cynik » Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:43 pm

I wish frogen would die for his country. Or someone else's country.

Or for frosty the snowman.

The point being, ele, that folks don't generally aim to "die for their country". They aim to kill for the king's shilling, or like frogen, to suck cock for the marine corp and get a pat on the head whilst the cum dribbles down their chin.

Soldiers kill for a living, ele. They don't die unless they pick on someone who can fight back. This is very, very seldom the case. Mostly soldiers are young people wrapped up in war movie fantasy, and mostly they are utter cowards looking for a good story to tell back home on the farm, or in the small town cafe. If they were brave, they would face their inner demons and try to getter better marks in school.

Take the current crop of hired goons in Irak just now. Not one of them has a claim to good intentions. Not one of them is there for a good reason. They are all chasing the "combat" dollars, and their method of fighting is to drive around covered in amour until a sheep herder takes a shot at them with a pea shooter. Then they panic, scream in fear for their moms, and call in an air strike on somebodies children.

That is your war heroism, ele. That is what you imagine is the great sacrifice of "dying for your country". A bunch of kids looking for someone to beat up, and who shit their pants and kill women and children when they hear a gun go off.

The method of modern warfare is a disgrace to the idea of courage. We bomb houses in civilian areas because our soldiers are to fucking scared to close with the enemy and hold ground. And they are too scared because their officers are also too scared. So they sit in the FOB and when they are forced to do so, they patrol, looking for something to airstrike.

If you want to understand the number of women and children killed by US and allied soldiers in our war of terror, you have to first understand the way we fight. Our soldiers walk into foreign lands and proclaim the dictates of our political elite. They panic and shoot first at anything they fear, and they utterly rely on air strikes to protect them from folks who are defending their families.

You tell me how it is possible to sit behind a stone wall and call in an airstrike on a house you "think" contains a gunman, and yet remain free of the blame when your guess is wrong and ten civilians die. High tech murder sanctioned by the media is not bravery, and nor is it sacrifice.

It is killing for money, and we cheer our children to carry this torch for us, so that we can feel secure in front of the television when our patriotic feelings are aroused.

And we curse suicide bombers who strike out at those who have destroyed their families with profitable bombers, because we fear their anger.

That is the war on terror, ele. That is the heroism of "sacrifice", in the context of the media war.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Dying for your country

Post by JW Frogen » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:46 pm

Same old same old.

Moral relativism that once praised "Saddam's secularism", the same mass murdering tyrant who probably killed more people in the Middle East than any other leader there in the 20th century, yet who condems soldiers risking their lives to let Iraqis decide their own future.

In some ways your posts are a mirror Cynik.

You have never done anything other than for money in your life, so the idealism of soldiers risking their lives in Somalia, Bosnia to deliver food aid, or in Afghanistan and Iraq to end mass murdering tyranny would be an incomprehensible concept to you.

They must be like you, in life only for "coin".

Coin is your God Cynik, not theirs.

We know this, Cynik is about Cynik.

Hence the Swiss retreat from taxes and the wages or requirements of freedom.

I got it long ago Cynik, you are a sheep with a wolf’s vocabulary.


Re: Dying for your country

Post by cynik » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:57 pm

I thought you were busy dying for democracy in far away lands?

Oh yeah, you are the mouth. You are in the rear with the gear.

Being "idealistic" by following orders, whatever they may be.

For a guy who isn't allowed in the military OR his home nation, you sure do wear the flag a lot. Tell us why you can't live in your glorious, FREE nation, frogen. Shut the fuck up about how everyone owes everything to hired thugs, and tell me more about yourself.

Why does such a die hard patriot live in a far flung corner of the english speaking world? What are you running away from?

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Re: Dying for your country

Post by JW Frogen » Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:02 pm

Yeah, I have not heard that one before.

Is it on your greatest hits album?

Admit it Cynik, you have the guts of a rainbow trout in frying pan.

You have never risked anything for anyone else in your entire life.

You do not even have the guts to risk anything for your own life, which is why you cannot get published.

Which is why all you do is rant, rage and indulge in angry, if comic, self-righteousness.


Re: Dying for your country

Post by cynik » Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:49 pm

Frogen, you claim to be brave, but you claim to be lots of things. It doesn't make it so.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Dying for your country

Post by JW Frogen » Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:00 pm

What we claim and what we know to be true only we know.

Which is why I would much rather be me than you.

Even your claims are the work of a very weak man.
Last edited by JW Frogen on Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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