Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

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brian ross
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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by brian ross » Fri May 17, 2019 3:30 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Thu May 16, 2019 12:54 pm
Agree. Sydney is about to suffer water restrictions because we don't even have enough water for the hundreds of thousands of mostly useless immigrants being dumped here just to create a false economy. Let's not even talk about the infrastructure to accommodate them.

It just took me 35 minutes to get somewhere that should have taken 5.

Almost 2.5 million dumped into our two largest cities in the past dozen years. Many/most of whom are just dumped and put on welfare.

The sheer stupidity of this is alarming.
Yes, that is a good description of your attitude, Black Orchid.

Immigrants to Australia were not "dumped" anywhere. They could choose to go where they wanted and the biggest cities seemed the best bet for employment and lifestyle.

The recent federal Government announcement about new visas with a requirement to live in regional Australia is pointless. People will go for the minimum amount of time and then move to Sydney/Melbourne.

Last night, SBS News had a report about an immigrant couple who had lived in Albury for the last three years. They were now moving to Melbourne for increased opportunities for themselves and their children. The man was a computer engineer. No work for him in Albury - surprise, surprise, hey? The woman was a nurse. The only work she could find was in a factory. Melbourne offered greater opportunity, just as Sydney does. Size does matter. Funny that, hey, Black Orchid?

As for the amount of time your journey took, blame the Tory Governments in NSW. They have failed miserably to support infrastructure improvements. Tsk, tsk. :roll:
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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by Valkie » Fri May 17, 2019 4:59 pm

and so it continues

Two mass murderers have been imported into Australia by our wonderful grubberment.

These disgusting murderers killed 8 people.
But because they were supposedly tortured, they get a get out of jail free card from the US judge.
But rather than keeping this shite in their own country, they decided to send them to Australia.....great move.

So now we have some Ugandan ( probably black) murderers who will never work and probably murder again.

Shite we have the worst grubberment on earth.
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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by The4thEstate » Sun May 19, 2019 10:40 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Fri May 17, 2019 12:37 pm
Trump's new priorities for immigration are common sense initiatives which should be adopted by all western countries.

Speaking the language is a must. Why would anyone choose to live in a country where they don't even want to speak the native language? All of our forms (and surveys/polls) are available now in multiple languages so they don't even have to bother.

I am not sure what the criteria is here now but the "family reunion" visa used to allow 20 'relatives' to come in for every one person. Didn't matter if they were illiterate, non skilled or contributing/non contributing in way at all. The politicians didn't care as the taxpayers would foot the bill. It made for a nice and ridiculously false economy that we will never escape from. Maybe that has been reviewed in recent years and changed. Then again maybe not.
Fortunately, it appears that the citizens of many modern Western nations have had enough of globalism, open borders and mass Islamic migration. Ya gotta love Salvini of Italy, who -- like Orban of Hungary -- is telling the EU where it can shove its mass migration edicts.
MILAN (AP) — Italy’s anti-migrant Interior Minister Matteo Salvini led a rally of right-wing populist leaders Saturday seeking historic results in next week’s European Parliament elections in their bid to transform European politics.

Salvini, the head of Italy’s right-wing League party, has positioned himself at the forefront of a growing movement of nationalist leaders seeking to free the European Union’s 28 nations from what he called Brussels’ “illegal occupation.”

He pledged to close Europe’s borders to migrants if the League wins not just the most votes of any party in Italy, but also of Europe.

Salvini was joined by 10 other nationalist leaders, including include far-right leaders Marine Le Pen of France’s National Rally party and Joerg Meuthen of the Alternative for Germany party. It was a major tour de force for the expanding movement ahead of the May 23-26 vote that will take place in all 28 EU nations.

Still, most of the tens of thousands of supporters that packed the square outside the central Duomo cathedral in Milan were there for Salvini. League flags filled the square, with a smattering of national flags from other nations.

A short distance away, some 2,000 protesters marched to protest the right-wing gathering.

In front of the Duomo, Salvini railed against unchecked migration and decried Islam, saying it mistreated women. He said Turkey would never be a part of Europe and rejected the label of extremists for the leaders with him.

“In this piazza, there are no extremists. There are no racists. There are no fascists. If anything in Italy and in Europe, the difference is between who looks ahead, between who speaks of the future ... instead of making trials of the past,” he said.

The far-right and populist leaders in Milan are making one of the strongest challenges to the European status quo in decades, united under an anti-migrant, anti-Islam, anti-bureaucracy banner.

“It is an historic moment important enough to free the continent from the illegal occupation organized by Brussels for many years,” Salvini said.

He accused European leaders including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, of “betraying Europe ... by constructing a Europe of finance and uncontrolled immigration.”
In the same story, Marine Le Pen also comments:
She said the movement was united “in our conception of cooperation in Europe, our shared desire to protect our citizens, our common refusal to see our country being subjected to the submergence of migration.

“The fundamental fight we are waging is a commitment against totalitarianism, globalization and Islamism, to which the European Union is responding, respectively, through accession and complacency,” she said.
Imagine that, citizens having the right to decide whether or not to allow Third World hordes into their country!

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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by Valkie » Mon May 20, 2019 5:16 am

All immigration should be stopped immediately until the filling conditions are met
1) sufficient work available for all working age AUSTRALIANS.
2) sufficient infrastructure to allow all AUSTRALIANS to access functional public transport or have functional road systems.
3) depopulation to a sustainable level.

Even then, immigrants must,
1) be skilled and below the age of 30
2) accept the Australian culture above any cultural, CULT or religious beliefs they may hold.
3) abide by all laws, with immediate deportation if any crime is committed by them in the first 5 years.
4) accept the financial support will be available for not longer than 6 months, after which, if they are not self supporting, will be deported.
5) accept the fact that any family members brought to this country must either work or be solely supported by them, no pensions will be available to anyone who has not worked and contributed for less than 20 years.

To many cultures and races, these above requirements would be quite acceptable and easy to abide with.
For one group, these would preclude them from even coming.
Much like the parasites who have found the American immigrant requirements are not the free ride they hope to get in Australia.
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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by FLEKTARN » Sun Jun 02, 2019 1:35 pm

Redneck wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2019 3:21 pm
Where do you stand on Immigration.

The Government says we need in the order of 160000 per year, to grow the economy to support our aging population among other things.

Should they have to

1. Be white ...No Coons

2. Be Christian no Musos in Pillar Box Clothing

3. Be all sent to Canbeera? (BO's suggestion)

4. Only speak English (No Woggy Itis or Greeks)

Your thoughts on all of these!
If it was me in charge, my rules would've been:

- English test
- No Asian
- No Black
- No Black Asian
- No African
- No Latino
- No Arabs
- No Turks
- And definitely no Anglo-Saxons from USA, UK, Germany, Scandinavia
- No Muslims
- IQ test

Religion - Christianity, I wouldn't care about that because some people are just atheists or scientologists.
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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by Bobby » Sun Jun 02, 2019 1:51 pm

Do we want more of these?


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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by cods » Sun Jun 02, 2019 4:05 pm

I am beginning to wish they had stopped immigration the years your ancestors where allowed in..

I for one am sick of your constant whingeing....and blaming everyone else??

we do have a few very very unpleasant white people in this country..

and to be honest some are on these forums.. :mad :mad :mad

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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by FLEKTARN » Mon Jun 03, 2019 12:38 am

Bobby wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2019 1:51 pm
Do we want more of these?


To be honest, this guy is harmless ...when compared to these two KILLERS. The victims from the photos died from deep knife wounds later, so let's pray over their poor souls :sad


The one that says the least can often have a very different perspective and hold the answer. The least qualified person may hold the most wisdom. When you don’t have knowledge or experience blocking your perspective, you can see problems and solutions.

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