Unions fight for my body my choice approach

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lisa jones
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Unions fight for my body my choice approach

Post by lisa jones » Sat Oct 09, 2021 11:44 am

https://inqld.com.au/business/2021/10/0 ... l-workers/

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this part in particular:

Mining and Energy Union Queensland district president Stephen Smyth said his organisation did not support mandatory vaccination.

We have strongly advocated to government and industry that COVID-19 vaccinations should be voluntary for mineworkers, with the high rates we need to protect safety better achieved through education, access and incentives,’’ Smyth said.

I love this top Union Official!

More evidence that the Left/Right divide in Australian Politics is heading for a revolutionary reset.

It's time we all chose a side. OUR side. Forget who you voted for before Covid19 came to town.

The playing field has changed.

The game has changed.

The rules have changed.

The "divide and conquer" status quo is out the door.

It's time to revolt and insist on your democratic rights!

Unionists and employers alike are waking up.

When will you?

NSW is opening up in December irrespective of vaccination status.

How much of a clue do Aussies need?

Look at what Boris did in the UK. A country of 68 million people squashed into a land area around the size of Tasmania.

He opened UK up!

Wake up and smell the roses!
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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