Americans like Romans

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Rainbow Moonlight
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Americans like Romans

Post by Rainbow Moonlight » Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:16 pm

Is the American empire like the Roman one? Were the Roman's hated and feared universally in the conquered lands? how could they have improved their image? Has America leadership sunken to complete decadence yet? Are the democrats capable of improving the American image? Is Obama like Nelson Mandela, in any way other than the colour of his skin?

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JW Frogen
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Re: Americans like Romans

Post by JW Frogen » Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:22 pm

I wish, if America was like the Romans Iraq would be a done deal.

More often than not the Romans prioritised military matters first, then brought prosperity, and yes a form of self-governance, more so than most of the kingdoms they replaced. (Given the relativity of the ancient world.)

In Iraq, Americans put democracy first and forgot about the military part.


Re: Americans like Romans

Post by slimD » Sun Aug 10, 2008 10:00 pm

To quote from the book "A Burqa and a Hard Place" -
"...the NZ army had taken over the Bamyan [a province in Afghanistan] Provisional Reconstruction Team from the Americans. While the americans had put on their best smiling faces, they'd done so from the safety of their humvees. The New zealanders patrolled Bamyan's bazaar on foot, and had a weekly program on radio Bamyan..."
I think the americans need instruction on how to be humble, and to respect another people culture, especially if they are the occupying force. The war in that part of the world will never end otherwise. The days of bombing them into submission a-la WW2 are long gone.

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Re: Americans like Romans

Post by freediver » Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:31 am

What if it's really hot and the hummers are air conditioned?


Re: Americans like Romans

Post by locutius » Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:57 pm

JW Frogen wrote:I wish, if America was like the Romans Iraq would be a done deal.
Oh yes, this is very true. Gotta love that saying " The Ram has touched the wall "

The Romans would not understand why you would stuff around with war and treat it like a game.

At the very least they would have executed those responsible for the corruption that is delaying the victory.

Starting with the politician/arms dealers relationship to the disappearance of literally tons of money.

Once the territory was conquered and importantly KNEW it was conquered, then they could join as citizens, pay tribute and

recieve sevices and access to advanced knowledge and technology.

The Americans are certainly like the Romans in that they are universially disliked. " let them hate us, as long as they fear us "

A large part of this is that they are the largest exporter of their own culture compared to anyone else in the whole world. (like Rome)

It has caused resentment especially when the young want to copy the cool culture at the exspense of their own.

There is nothing wrong with that either as it has happened over and over again in human society. Just not on the current scale or velocity.

Everyone hated the Romans, but how many rushed back to their grubby little pre-roman existances. Overtime things in europe did

go backwards, with no small help from the church.

What really makes me laugh is when some goose of an aussie on TV shake their head and say " only in America " and then I look

around me at all the lame stuff we have copied and think how stupid does that make us.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Americans like Romans

Post by JW Frogen » Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:44 pm

Locus docus diddly docus, I studied Roman history, you just wait until I am sober enough to tear you a new asshole!

Sort of like the second Carthaginian war.


Re: Americans like Romans

Post by UknowWho » Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:07 pm

slimD wrote: The days of bombing them into submission a-la WW2 are long gone.
a-la Ossetia, I imagine.



Re: Americans like Romans

Post by helian » Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:14 pm

Rainbow Moonlight wrote:Is the American empire like the Roman one? Were the Roman's hated and feared universally in the conquered lands?
Interesting question.

Some comparisons :

The Roman Empire had 37 major military bases (around the known world) at its height, the British Empire had 36. The US currently has 38 medium to large bases worldwide covering 30 million acres. The total number of US bases small to large worldwide is 737 (not including secret bases).

One of the contributing factors to the fall of Rome was its being in a state of continual warfare due to its imperial overreach. Since 1941 the US has been engaged in or mobilised for war.

Regarding democracy, Rome forfeited its Republic and kept its Empire, submitting itself to dictatorship. The question is, will the US become increasingly dictatorial in order to maintain its influence within its crypto-empire? Will we see more euphemisms to define all but unilateral action (such as the 'coalition of the willing')? And, if the US did recognise its overreach, how exactly would it go about voluntarily dismantling its imperial structure without causing massive internal upheavals to its political, social and economic structures?

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JW Frogen
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Re: Americans like Romans

Post by JW Frogen » Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:33 pm

Well the Roman "imperial overreach" lasted for 400 years.

In the Eastern empire for a thousand years.

I guess that gives the US a lot of milage.


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Re: Americans like Romans

Post by JW Frogen » Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:37 pm

And if you study what immediately followed the fall of Rome, you would be chanting USA, USA, USA too!

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