US and Iran

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brian ross
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Re: US and Iran

Post by brian ross » Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:43 pm

The Mechanic wrote:
Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:40 pm
brian ross wrote:
Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:18 pm
The Mechanic wrote:
Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:13 pm
Black Orchid wrote:
Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:47 pm
Didn't Hillary 'lose' $6 billion in Iraq?
Iran still owes 58 Billion in war crimes compensation...

But then Obama and HIllary sent them pallets of cash 💰 behind the backs of congress ... see above on how they laundered the money and how it ended up in the hands of Terrorist..

And Lyin Ross wants them to have Nuclear weapons?

What a mental case... :roll:
I have no desire for anybody to have nuclear weapons, Mechie. I am unsure where you find your information but it appears to be rather one sided.

Tell us, how much the US owes for the shooting down of Iran Air Flight 655? Mmmm? :roll :roll
As part of the settlement, even though the U.S. government did not admit legal liability or formally apologize to Iran, it still agreed to pay US$61.8 million on an ex gratia basis, amounting to $213,103.45 per passenger, in compensation to the families of the Iranian victims.
Another Lyin Ross Lie blows up in his face....
Wow! So, an Iranian is worth what, $213, 103.45 each. How much is an American worth, Mechie? Mmmm? An equal or greater amount? :roll :roll

Oh, where is the apology for shooting down the airliner? Something the US Navy happily acknowledged by promoting the captain of the ship which did it. Tsk, tks. :roll

Run along with your fake news, Mechie. :roll
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The Mechanic
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Re: US and Iran

Post by The Mechanic » Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:45 pm

brian ross wrote:
Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:31 pm
The Mechanic wrote:
Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:26 pm
brian ross wrote:
Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:15 pm
If I have "lied" (knowingly told an untruth) please post your evidence, with a link of course, Mechie.

Look here I'll even provide you with the space to post that evidence:

Otherwise, piss off.

Gateway Pundit is one of the worst purveyors of "fake news" around. That makes you a purveyor of "fake news", Mechie. Tsk, tsk. :roll :roll :roll
Listen Lyin...

I’ve just outed you on another lie on the previous page... just because you choose to ignore it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen..


And thats an out and out LIE...


Proved to be another liar, a purveyor of "fake news", hey, Mechie? Tsk, tsk. Not to worry, I am sure you can find some more suckers, over there at AusPol. :roll :roll
You know what Lyin... i like it right here..

We are going to be best buddies... :bgrin
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Black Orchid
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Re: US and Iran

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:28 pm

Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK), and the people of Syria and Iraq, are rejoicing after the death of the Iranian regime’s notorious General, Qassem Soleimani, who was responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of people both inside and outside Iran.

This is while the Iranian regime tries to portray the dead terrorist commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force as a so-called “Hero” of the Iranian people and people of the Middle East.

Videos and messages circulating on social media on Friday showed Iranians inside and outside Iran and the people of Iraq and Syria celebrating this irreparable blow to the Iranian regime and its supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.

An Iranian man describes IRGC Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani as the "most hated figure," and says he was overjoyed after hearing the news and will celebrate the entire day. ... ni-s-death

While Democrats express outrage over President Donald Trump's decision to order the airstrike that killed Qassem Soleimani without congressional approval, many Iranians are celebrating the death of the Islamic country's chief terrorism architect.

Since Soleimani's surprise death late Thursday, numerous images have surfaced on social media showing that much of the Iranian public approves of Soleimani's death.

While the Iranian regime has called for three days of mourning, some Iranians are calling for three days of celebrations, according to national security expert David Reaboi. In fact, many Iranians even baked cakes and other desserts marking the incident, some of which directly thank Trump for his action. ... dent-trump

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Re: US and Iran

Post by sprintcyclist » Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:32 pm

........ Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK), and the people of Syria and Iraq, are rejoicing after the death of the Iranian regime’s notorious General, Qassem Soleimani, who was responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of people both inside and outside Iran.

This is while the Iranian regime tries to portray the dead terrorist commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force as a so-called “Hero” of the Iranian people and people of the Middle East.

Videos and messages circulating on social media on Friday showed Iranians inside and outside Iran and the people of Iraq and Syria celebrating this irreparable blow to the Iranian regime and its supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.

An Iranian man describes IRGC Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani as the "most hated figure," and says he was overjoyed after hearing the news and will celebrate the entire day. ....... ... ni-s-death
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Re: US and Iran

Post by Bogan » Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:26 pm

Sprintcyclist wrote

This is while the Iranian regime tries to portray the dead terrorist commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force as a so-called “Hero” of the Iranian people and people of the Middle East.
And not just the Iranian mullahs. Anyone reading the ABC's and 9 MSM's coverage of this terrorists death will cringe at how many times these organisations refer to this terrorist as "revered" and "heroic."

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Re: US and Iran

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:50 pm

Moonbat Aussies are saying Trump murdered a leader of a sovereign state so the Commander in Chief should be looked on as a similar military target for the taking. No mention that Soleimani was a terrorist and they are blurting this crap all over the internet.

Sometimes I really am ashamed to be an Australian.

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Re: US and Iran

Post by billy the kid » Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:07 pm

The morons will take any opportunity to dump on Trump.....anything.....
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Re: US and Iran

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:08 pm

Now they are also saying Soleimani was on a peace mission when he was assassinated. Something really needs to be done about this moonbat bias. They are damned dangerous.


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Re: US and Iran

Post by Bogan » Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:35 am

Briney wrote

Oh, where is the apology for shooting down the airliner? Something the US Navy happily acknowledged by promoting the captain of the ship which did it. Tsk, tks.
Typical leftist exaggeration and falsification.

The shooting down of an Iranian passenger jetliner came about for a number of reasons, some connected to the irresponsible behaviour of the Iranian crew. Let's get one thing clear. Flying airliners over places where combatants are shooting missiles at each other is not a smart thing to do. The incident came about as a result of an Iraqi jet bomber sticking two Exocet anti ship missiles into a US FFG 7 frigate in the Persian Gulf, killing dozens of US seamen. (I think it was USS Stark) This was at the time when both Iran and Iraq were targeting each other's tankers and oil platforms with missiles. The USA accepted Iraq's apology. The dumbass Iraqi jet pilot had simply seen a target on his attack scope and let fly, thinking it must be a tanker.

This made a lot of people sailing in the Persian Gulf very nervous and trigger happy. When a US warship's radar picket up an incoming, air breathing target on it's radar, it challenged the incoming target to identify itself or it would be shot down. This call was made on all frequencies, especially those pertaining to international commercial airliner traffic. When the target did not respond it was considered hostile and shot down. It was reasonably speculated that the Iranian pilots must have received to transmissions but the dumbasses simply refused to acknowledge.

But naturally, no incident involving loss of life can not be used by the leftards as proof positive that the country which is the leader of the western world that they hate but choose to live in, is unspeakably evil.

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Black Orchid
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Re: US and Iran

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:04 pm

This is how absolutely pathetic CNN are. "President Trump dined on ice cream as news of the airstrike broke". Read the comments lol. ... 3994084353

Here's another from the Iranian people. Scroll down and read the comments and see the pictures. ... i?src=hash

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