South Africa under blacks is collapsing

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Re: South Africa under blacks is collapsing

Post by Valkie » Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:49 pm

sprintcyclist wrote:
Sun Jan 23, 2022 2:38 pm
Valkie wrote:
Sun Jan 23, 2022 9:17 am
Trevor P wrote:
Sat Jan 22, 2022 4:38 pm
It's betel nut not beetle, I also spent some time with our northern neighbours, what a wild place !!
Yeah, Im in two minds about the place.

Some people were quite nice, but the bad ones were seriously bad.

Not a place Id spend my free time.
Yes, it is often the risk side to anything that determines the outcome.
As a silly example, if you could buy a really cool car that performed amazing well, used little fuel, was comfortable and cheap, you probably would.
If the darned things exploded 8% of the time, incinerating all those inside, you would not go anywhere near it.
I have to admit, i did enjoy interacting with people from all over the world.
Some in less than ideal situations, some even threatening.

But you have to do something or you will forever regret it.

One night in Russia, i agreed to go out with a group of people from work.
Russians have a wicked sense of humour and they gave me hell all night.
But as the night wore on they got more and more drunk, to tge point tgat they were incapable of driving the couple of klm back to the motel.
Its was freezing outside, i was more than reluctant to walk, and as i had very little money and even less ability to direct any taxi driver, i stupidly decided to drive the car back.

I got almost all the way back, when one of the guys started hanging out the window and shouting at people.
Even the cop car that pulled up beside us.
We got pulled over, they started asking me questions, which i didnt understand.
Next I was told to get out of the car, more by indication than words.
Fortunately for me, one of the cops spoke English and I explained the situation.
I thought i was screwed.
But they all had a laugh, slapped me on the back and told me not to drive anywhere but back to the motel.

Would i do it again, not on your nelly.
Would i do it in another country, not on your nelly.
But that one night, i took a chance and it worked out ok.

I have eaten food from street sellers in China, some have been good, some have resulted in driving the porcelain bus.
What im saying is sometimes, you just have to say, what the hell, and give it a go.
Some of my favourite memories are from when things went belly up.
Some of my worst have come from just taking the safe option.

You only live life once
Id rather go to my grave saying, " that was a hoot"
Than saying " how boring was that"
I have a dream
A world free from the plague of Islam
A world that has never known the horrors of the cult of death.
My hope is that in time, Islam will be nothing but a bad dream

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Re: South Africa under blacks is collapsing

Post by Bogan » Sun May 08, 2022 5:06 am

Sad though this fact may be, black African people have generally low intelligence and a genetic predisposition to violent behaviour. That does not mean that there are no smart black Africans. The most interesting aspect of smart black Africans is how they can seamlessly be accepted by white people into their own communities. But for the vast majority of blacks, the problem is that they simply do not have the intelligence to stand on their own two feet in a competitive western world.

European colonization of Africa differed wildly in the benefits it bestowed upon the African people. Certainly the mad atrocities of King Leopold of Belgium come to mind as the worst excesses of European colonisation. But in the whole, European colonisation was beneficial to the African inhabitants as it helped them make the transition from the iron age into the modern world. Under the Europeans, Africa was developed for it's rich natural resources which was beneficial to the European powers, but which trickled down to the local inhabitants through jobs and infrastructure development.

After WW2, the cause of "decolonisation" was championed by the "angry young men" (who today we would call "woke) of the time. The idea was, that since it was taken for granted that black Africans were just as smart as white people, then it was wrong to colonise their countries, "steal" their resources and "oppress" them. The ideology presumed that with the withdrawal of the European powers, the Africans themselves would eventually become ever more wealthy and stable until their sicieties were comparable in wealth to their old colonial masters. This did not happen (although it did with the smart Asians) because it was based upon a premise that was false. The overwhelming majority of African blacks have a much lower IQ than the majority of white Europeans (or Asians).

As the western world moved forward after decolonisation, African went backwards. The last two white bastions to fall were Rhodesia and South Africa. Rhodesia is like Ukraine, it was called "the breadbasket of Africa." Those wheat farms were run by white people, and the idea was among the woke, that after black majority rule, the farms would be taken over by black farmers who would do just as good a job as whites. That this did not occur should have sparked some neuronal activity among those who still maintain that races are equal. But naturally, old ideologies, especially those based upon the noble sentiments of people who think that they are intellectually superior to others, die hard. Rhodesia has gone from being a major food exporter to a food importer, and the people are starving. Nice one, "intellectuals".

South Africa is next to go because the woke in the western world simply refuse to even contemplate that the very basis of their humanitarian ideology is fundamentally wrong. The truth can never be told because the heavens will fall. Denial of the obvious has now reached ridiculous proportions. The left was one the champions of free speech. But now that they are largely in the drivers seat of the western public service, it is they who are now the censors. In Australia, the limits of free speech is now the hurt feelings of dysfunctional minorities. The Left, who's whole sense of worth is that they are smarter than their political opponents, will never concede that for decades they got it wrong, and they based their ideology on a false premise.

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Re: South Africa under blacks is collapsing

Post by UnSubRocky » Sun May 08, 2022 12:06 pm

sprintcyclist wrote:
Sat Dec 25, 2021 12:03 am
Once one of the better countries in the world now ............
20 years behind the times to be posting this. I recall back in the 1990s, I was talking to someone in South Africa about how she was going post-apartheid. Things were on the decline for white people there. Job discrimination. Poor white people going from poor to impoverished. Middle-income white people seeing their income eroded. Services becoming poorer quality and unreliable. Electricity supply tending to have brown outs. Food supply still okay then. But, with farmers getting killed or run off their farms, you could imagine that the food distribution would have been in decline.

The girl, probably about 40 now, got out of South Africa and moved to Australia. I feel sorry for anyone in South Africa who is not black. The rest of them made their beds. They can lay it them.

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Re: South Africa under blacks is collapsing

Post by Bobby » Sun May 08, 2022 5:17 pm


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Re: South Africa under blacks is collapsing

Post by Bobby » Sun May 08, 2022 5:19 pm


J o h n S m i t h
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Re: South Africa under blacks is collapsing

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Sun May 08, 2022 6:02 pm

guess how many south africans were involved in this massacre?


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Re: South Africa under blacks is collapsing

Post by Bogan » Sun May 08, 2022 6:47 pm

Real intelligent looking mob, aren't they? No wonder most other races thought that Africans were only fit for slaves.

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Re: South Africa under blacks is collapsing

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Sun May 08, 2022 7:37 pm

Bogan wrote:
Sun May 08, 2022 6:47 pm
Real intelligent looking mob, aren't they? No wonder most other races thought that Africans were only fit for slaves.
you realise they had white slaves too right? :oops

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Re: South Africa under blacks is collapsing

Post by Bogan » Thu May 19, 2022 4:45 am

I would not bother with johnsmith, Crackey. He is just a troll. He could not debate himself out of a wet paper bag.

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Jim Lahey
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Re: South Africa under blacks is collapsing

Post by Jim Lahey » Thu May 19, 2022 5:21 am

Bobby wrote:
Sun May 08, 2022 5:17 pm
are you the first or second from the left?

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