Australia's own 'Cuban missile crisis'

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Re: Australia's own 'Cuban missile crisis'

Post by Bogan » Fri May 06, 2022 7:57 am

The first thing I would note, is that according to my memory, Australia has been sending $300 million dollars in Australian taxpayer aid to the Solomon Islands for donkeys years. A fat lot of good that did us. When will western countries realize that giving your own people's money away to third world shitholes full of low IQ people is a complete waste of money? The Chinese are a lot smarter than us. They know that certain races are a bunch of dummies who will be dysfunctional forever, and instead of giving money to their stupid and corrupt governments, it is a lot more effective to put it into the Swiss bank accounts of their corrupt and stupid leaders. After all, their own corrupt government works exactly the same way. Look at the UN WHO organisation :read during the Chinese invented COVID epidemic. The Chinese contributed only a tenth of what the yanks did to the WHO budget, but the Chinese knew who's palms needed greasing and so they owned the WHO.

The Solomon's once had the vestiges of an economy but inter tribal infighting put paid to that. Just like in the USA, the first thing that black people do when they are rioting is to burn down and loot their own shops and stores. Not real bright. Especially since those shops and stores are owned by white, Asian, and Indian people who have a lot more brains than the locals. My mate's son in law is a naval officer and he said that after the first series of inter tribal riots in the Solomon's, HMAS Tobruk evacuated anybody who wanted to get the hell out of the place. Naturally, that meant anybody who had brains and was not a Solomon Islander. He said that HMAS Tobruk took away 90% of the local economy.

What is left is just another black run shithole, easy prey to the smart Chinese who see nothing wrong with a bit of Imperialism, as long as they are the Imperial power. And in a way, god luck to them. Black people are unable to create functioning modern societies without smarter races telling them what to do, and doing everything for them.

Of course, this is bad for Australia, but is it such a bad thing? The Solomon's is a bloody long way from China, and as the Japs found out in WW2, having Island bases in The Pacific, a long way from home, can be more of a liability than an asset. Initially in a war, such an asset would be a real boon for the Chinese. But as the war drags on, the problems of resupply would become (as the Japs found to their cost), a serious problem. In the Japanese base at Rabaul, the 100,000 Japanese soldiers stationed there found themselves in a giant self imposed prison camp. Two thirds of those soldiers had to become farmers so that the whole force could feed itself. The only strategic value that The Solomons has is their position between Australia and Hawaii. They have no resources except fish.

Unless China intends to take over Indonesia and PNG, any Chinese force stationed in The Solomon's would be a vulnerable and juicy target for any allied counter attack. It would be in a similar position to MacArthur's US forces in the Philippines during the opening stages of WW2. Very far from home and unable to be supplied, reinforced, relived, or even evacuated.

Australia can not win a bidding war in the Pacific for the bought loyalties of corrupt island governments. The Chinks have a lot more money than us, they don't see anything wrong with bribery, and they can always outbid us. We may not like it but it is best if we give our new enemy who is our best trading partner their little win. With a bit of luck the Chinese may find their new Pacific Islander partners as big a pain in the butt as western people do.

The best way to stick it to the Chinese is to tell them that if they build a base on The Solomons, Australia will recognise Taiwan as an independent country. That will really piss them off, and hopefully, make them think twice.

There is not much Australia can do to prevent the building of


Re: Australia's own 'Cuban missile crisis'

Post by Aussie » Fri May 06, 2022 4:34 pm

Bogan wrote:
Fri May 06, 2022 7:57 am
The first thing I would note, is that according to my memory, Australia has been sending $300 million dollars in Australian taxpayer aid to the Solomon Islands for donkeys years. A fat lot of good that did us. When will western countries realize that giving your own people's money away to third world shitholes full of low IQ people is a complete waste of money? The Chinese are a lot smarter than us. They know that certain races are a bunch of dummies who will be dysfunctional forever, and instead of giving money to their stupid and corrupt governments, it is a lot more effective to put it into the Swiss bank accounts of their corrupt and stupid leaders.
Welcome back. This Forum is now 'under new management.

Two points there. If we don't give them aid, they will get it elsewhere. Two, I agree that there will have been some new bank accounts established. Our lot keep saying that China does not play by the usual rules, yet they fail to come outright and state exactly what they mean by that. They should.

After all, their own corrupt government works exactly the same way. Look at the UN WHO organisation :read during the Chinese invented COVID epidemic. The Chinese contributed only a tenth of what the yanks did to the WHO budget, but the Chinese knew who's palms needed greasing and so they owned the WHO.
Yet, they are now suffering to a very great extent with major shutdowns.
The Solomon's once had the vestiges of an economy but inter tribal infighting put paid to that. Just like in the USA, the first thing that black people do when they are rioting is to burn down and loot their own shops and stores. Not real bright. Especially since those shops and stores are owned by white, Asian, and Indian people who have a lot more brains than the locals. My mate's son in law is a naval officer and he said that after the first series of inter tribal riots in the Solomon's, HMAS Tobruk evacuated anybody who wanted to get the hell out of the place. Naturally, that meant anybody who had brains and was not a Solomon Islander. He said that HMAS Tobruk took away 90% of the local economy.
I don't buy your racist argument there.
What is left is just another black run shithole, easy prey to the smart Chinese who see nothing wrong with a bit of Imperialism, as long as they are the Imperial power. And in a way, god luck to them. Black people are unable to create functioning modern societies without smarter races telling them what to do, and doing everything for them.
Again, I don't buy your racist proposition. Australian aboriginals were quite happy with what they had before our lot came along.
Of course, this is bad for Australia, but is it such a bad thing? The Solomon's is a bloody long way from China, and as the Japs found out in WW2, having Island bases in The Pacific, a long way from home, can be more of a liability than an asset. Initially in a war, such an asset would be a real boon for the Chinese. But as the war drags on, the problems of resupply would become (as the Japs found to their cost), a serious problem. In the Japanese base at Rabaul, the 100,000 Japanese soldiers stationed there found themselves in a giant self imposed prison camp. Two thirds of those soldiers had to become farmers so that the whole force could feed itself. The only strategic value that The Solomons has is their position between Australia and Hawaii. They have no resources except fish.
I have no issue with any of that.
Unless China intends to take over Indonesia and PNG, any Chinese force stationed in The Solomon's would be a vulnerable and juicy target for any allied counter attack. It would be in a similar position to MacArthur's US forces in the Philippines during the opening stages of WW2. Very far from home and unable to be supplied, reinforced, relived, or even evacuated.

Australia can not win a bidding war in the Pacific for the bought loyalties of corrupt island governments. The Chinks have a lot more money than us, they don't see anything wrong with bribery, and they can always outbid us. We may not like it but it is best if we give our new enemy who is our best trading partner their little win. With a bit of luck the Chinese may find their new Pacific Islander partners as big a pain in the butt as western people do.
The Solomon Islands will be the most watched place now. The Yanks will be all over anything actually developing and will move to encircle the place, if required.
The best way to stick it to the Chinese is to tell them that if they build a base on The Solomons, Australia will recognise Taiwan as an independent country. That will really piss them off, and hopefully, make them think twice.
I can't imagine anything they could care less about.

J o h n S m i t h
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Re: Australia's own 'Cuban missile crisis'

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Fri May 06, 2022 6:05 pm

Bogan wrote:
Fri May 06, 2022 7:57 am
The first thing I would note, is that according to my memory, Australia has been sending $300 million dollars in Australian taxpayer aid to the Solomon Islands for donkeys years. A fat lot of good that did us.
It kept the Chinese govt. out for all those years.
Bogan wrote:
Fri May 06, 2022 7:57 am
When will western countries realize that giving your own people's money away to third world shitholes full of low IQ people is a complete waste of money?
When it becomes true. Until then we need to continue to do it. The solomons is a PRIME example the end result of cutting aid. If you don't provide the aid, someone else will move in and then they get to dictate terms instead of us

Aussie wrote:
Fri May 06, 2022 4:34 pm
I can't imagine anything they could care less about.
You are wrong. The Chinese govt. is desperate to ensure no Western governments recognise Taiwan as independent. It has been a condition of many negotiations with the Chinese for years. They're not about to suddenly not care.

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Re: Australia's own 'Cuban missile crisis'

Post by Bogan » Sat May 07, 2022 4:43 am

Aussie wrote

Welcome back. This Forum is now 'under new management.
Thank you. Where is that old commie traitor, Brian Ross?

ussie wrote

Two points there. If we don't give them aid, they will get it elsewhere. Two, I agree that there will have been some new bank accounts established. Our lot keep saying that China does not play by the usual rules, yet they fail to come outright and state exactly what they mean by that. They should.
First point. Good, let somebody else waste their money. Second point. China does not give aid, it gives bribes. And that method seems to be a much cheaper and more effective option.
Aussie wrote

Yet, they are now suffering to a very great extent with major shutdowns.
Your meaningless statement in no way invalidates my premise that the Chinese managed to buy the WHO with bribes, while goody two shoes USA took the proper morally upright course of giving the WHO most of the money to finance their budget, and got given the finger. Trump was once again right, when he withdrew the US money from Chinas' bought lackeys in WHO.
Aussie wrote

I don't buy your racist argument there.
You may oppose my argument but you can not formulate a reasoned argument to counter it. An impartial observer would conclude that I won that point.
Aussie wrote

Again, I don't buy your racist proposition.
Again, you oppose my position, but could not enlighten us as to why? My guess is that you have been cionditioned since kindergarten to think that racists are cretins, while anti racists are noble, far seeing, intelligent progressives. And since you don't want people to think you are a cretin, and you want people to think that you are intelligent, then you take the anti racist position as your default position without ever bothering to investigate which side is right?
Aussie wrote.

Australian aboriginals were quite happy with what they had before our lot came along.
Wow! I could attack that statement in a lot of ways. First, if you do not believe in racism, why did you categorise the people of Australia into two distinct groups? A true anti racist believes that "there is only one race, the human race", so you can not claim that race does not exist when it is convenient, and then recognise it when it is convenient.

Second. If the race of people that you call "aboriginals" were happy before white settlement, I would opine that it may have been because they were isolated for 50,000 years and had no yardstick to compare their lifestyles with other cultures?

Third. Aboriginals were living at the primary first stage of the seven stages of human development, that of hunter gatherer. One step up from being animals. Such barbarian people usually led lives that were "hard, brutish, and short." Perhaps you have romantic dreams of backwards barbarian life as living Hobbit like existences? But one thing is for sure, primary stage human beings exposed to more advanced stages, always aspire to move upwards into the higher stages.
Aussie wrote

The Solomon Islands will be the most watched place now. The Yanks will be all over anything actually developing and will move to encircle the place, if required.
The yanks have pretty much the whole Pacific locked up with bases everywhere. If a war broke out, a chinese base in The Solomons would be in a very vulnerable position. The only reason that the Chinks did it was to piss off Australia and the yanks. Two can play at that game. Let's recognise Taiwan and put some egg back on Ji Jinpijng's face.

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Re: Australia's own 'Cuban missile crisis'

Post by Bogan » Sat May 07, 2022 5:03 am

John Smith wrote

It kept the Chinese govt. out for all those years.
If the Chinese had gone in twenty years ago, then we might have woken up to the fact that their regime was a threat to our country a lot sooner. Labor and the Greens might have grown brains and Australia would now be receiving it's first nuclear powered submarines. Our Army (actually just a single reinforced infantry division with tank support) might have the equipment considered essential in any other comparable European country. The reason why Australia did not give military support to our allies in Gulf war 1 was because the Australian Army is not equipped to fight a modern mobile war.

Last I heard we give East Timor $300 million dollars a year to routinely bad mouth us. $500 million a year to PNG so that they can give the Chinese a base on PNG near Darwin. And $300 million pa to The Solomons so that their dumb leader can sell us out for a few million in his Swisss bank account, and a few Chinese floozies every time he visits Peking.
John Smith wrote

When it becomes true. Until then we need to continue to do it. The solomons is a PRIME example the end result of cutting aid. If you don't provide the aid, someone else will move in and then they get to dictate terms instead of us
I was not aware that we had ever cut off aid? Last I heard, there was even Australian soldiers and Queensland police in Honiara trying to stop the locals from killing each other and burning down whatever is left of the shithole.

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Re: Australia's own 'Cuban missile crisis'

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Sat May 07, 2022 10:13 am

Bogan wrote:
Sat May 07, 2022 5:03 am
If the Chinese had gone in twenty years ago, then we might have woken up to the fact that their regime was a threat to our country a lot sooner.
or, they might have already moved into Australian Territory ... oh wait they already have. The Libs gave them the Port of Darwin :OMG
Bogan wrote:
Sat May 07, 2022 5:03 am
Labor and the Greens might have grown brains and Australia would now be receiving it's first nuclear powered submarines
only if you totally ignore the fact that for most of the last 25 yrs, we've had liberal governments. :oops Why did they wait for now do you think?
Bogan wrote:
Sat May 07, 2022 5:03 am
Last I heard we give East Timor $300 million dollars a year to routinely bad mouth us.
How dare they be upset that we're taking their oil/gas and spying on them ... are you really such a snowflake that you cry because the timorese don't like being taken for chumps?
Bogan wrote:
Sat May 07, 2022 5:03 am
I was not aware that we had ever cut off aid?
Aid has been cut by at least 28%

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Re: Australia's own 'Cuban missile crisis'

Post by brian ross » Sat May 07, 2022 1:36 pm

You do realise that the Solomon Islands are a considerable distance from Australia's shores, unlike Cuba which was only 90 miles from Florida? You also realise that China has not proposed basing anything in the Solomon Islands? Further you realise that the PLAN has no experience operating further than the South China Sea which is right beside their own coastline? :roll: :roll:
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Re: Australia's own 'Cuban missile crisis'

Post by Bogan » Sun May 08, 2022 3:55 am

Hi Briney! Long time no see! I missed you, I really did. I have been trying to understand woke warriors like you for yonks, and I think I have got you figured out now. I used to think that intelligent people could be swayed by the power of reason and I could never understand why you refused to concede even the most clearly self evident point. But it's like the old saying, "you can never convince anyone of anything if their job depends on not understanding." I never realised just how much you public service types are only concerned with the interests of the public service. The rest of Australia can go to hell provided that public servants are protected and can profit.

Now I understand why you defended the numerous instances of public service incompetence in Australia's defense purchases. You have to defend your incompetent mates at any price. And you need to have inferior warships built in Australia at fantastic cost because you need to keep the unions onside. After all, there is a real split between the public service unions and the private sector unions as there is. you need to keep some of them onside, so you throw them an expensive, taxpayer funded bone from time to time.

And then there is immigration and so called "refugees." I have tried to tell you, over and over again, how stupid and dangerous it is for you to support the immigration of Muslims and other groups of people well known for their high levels of welfare dependence and serious criminal behaviour. You have always tried to refute my points by standing on the moral high ground and pretending how you are anti racist. But that is not it, is it mate? No. The more useless, and crime and terrorism prone immigrant groups you can get into Australia, the better it is for the public service and their mouth pieces in the Labor party. The more crime the better. That means more police, state prosecutors, judges, law courts, social workers, parole officers, and prison warders. The more terrorists the better. That means more security police and more state control. The more useless races infesting our country and living on our dole, means more welfare workers, more social workers, and more interpreters.

Then there is the ABC. You defend the ABC atrocious bias because they are the media arm of the public service, being public servants themselves.

Almost any social cause can be exploited to benefit you and your mates in the public service. $60 billion pa being given to "aborigines", some with blond hair and blue eyes? Anyone with half a brain can see that too much money is being squandered on people who are not in any way "aborigines" but there is no way that you will ever recognise that. The more people on the dole and dependent upon Labor's redistribution of wealth away from the creators of wealth to the consumers of wealth, the better. And most of that redistribution is managed by the public service anyway.

'Multiculturalism" is just another way to divide the working class vote because democracy is a real impediment to the public service. What they want is a government of the public service, by the public service, and for the public service. Those horrible working class Anglo Saxon working class people could not see the benefits of a Socialist Australia so they have to have their votes diluted by importing ever more welfare dependent races into Australia who can be depended upon to vote Labor. The Democrats in the USA are onto the same tactic. Who cares if it destroys their own society? They can always retire away from the crime infested cities they created with their indexed linked pensions.

Got you figured out now, Briney. I can't wait for you to post up another one of your "causes" which (as per usual) are wrapped in some sort of moral Trojan Horse packaging, when what it is really about is just self interest for the public service.

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Re: Australia's own 'Cuban missile crisis'

Post by Bogan » Sun May 08, 2022 4:04 am

Getting back on topic. Reply to John Smith.

Okay, John. What you have posted is extremely weak. If you knew what you were talking about, you should be able to submit at least a 200 word article telling us what you think and why you think it. Taking little slices of someone else's replies and attempting to refute them with sneery one liners only works if you have something to say yourself and are prepared to defend it. Otherwise, it can be seen as just cowardly.

J o h n S m i t h
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Re: Australia's own 'Cuban missile crisis'

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Sun May 08, 2022 9:05 am

Bogan wrote:
Sun May 08, 2022 4:04 am
What you have posted is extremely weak
because it shot holes through your argument? I doubt it
Bogan wrote:
Sun May 08, 2022 4:04 am
, you should be able to submit at least a 200 word article telling us what you think and why you think it.
Bogan wrote:
Sun May 08, 2022 4:04 am
Taking little slices of someone else's replies and attempting to refute them with sneery one liners only works if you have something to say yourself and are prepared to defend it. Otherwise, it can be seen as just cowardly.
you can see it anyway you like. I really don't care. If my answers are so short you should easily be able to prove them wrong. Instead you cry about the length of my post ... and yet you mention others being cowardly :oops

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