Administrative Appeals Tribunal

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Black Orchid
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Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Post by Black Orchid » Wed May 31, 2017 8:33 am

THERE was a troubling twist in the fake refugee controversy this week.

Out of the blue we learned that murderers, rapists, pedophiles, armed robbers and ice dealers were among the scores of criminals who should have been booted out of the country but were allowed to stay.

They were saved from deportation by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

The tribunal overruled the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Peter Dutton, who attempted to eject 81 foreign-born criminals by revoking their visas.

All had “substantial criminal records”.

Most of the cases were in Sydney and Melbourne, but some were in Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Canberra.

It’s an affront to law-abiding Australians. We are at the mercy of hardened criminals who do not deserve the privilege of living in this grand land.

Foreigners charged with terrible acts of violence and nasty, nasty sex crimes were among 76 men and five women subject to the deportation attempts that were blocked.

The tribunal, to my mind, has usurped the proper functions of the democratically elected government.

The Immigration Minister alone must be able to decide who comes and who stays, based on expert advice from his department.

News Corp papers reported those allowed to stay included a Scottish hitman, an Iraqi who knifed to death his brother-in-law, a New Zealand pedophile and an Indian doctor who sexually abused a teenage patient.

Most Australians will find the tribunal’s decisions hard to comprehend. I certainly do.

I’m sure the community would prefer to see these miscreants sent packing.

Even a hitman from Scotland, who was jailed for 17 years for murdering a Melbourne man for payment of $2000, has the right to retain his Australian visa, the tribunal found.

A Chinese drug trafficker who handled more than $4 million in the proceeds of crime was likewise able to keep his visa – even though he refused to name syndicate co-offenders.

A Turkish drug dealer convicted of peddling commercial quantities of heroin, ice, ecstasy and cannabis, was allowed to remain in Australia after the tribunal quashed a decision to deport him.

All 81 decisions by tribunal members to overturn ministerial directives to revoke visas have been made since 2010, including 60 in the past five years.

Last week Dutton suggested a political bias was operating within sections of the tribunal, particularly tribunal members who had been appointed during the Gillard and Rudd Labor administrations.

“When you look at some of the judgments that are made, the sentences that are handed down, it’s always interesting to go back and look at the appointment of the particular Labor government of the day,” Dutton said on radio 4BC. “It’s the frustration we live with.”

Dutton fears the tribunal is political or ideological or both.

We have already been told that half of the illegal boat people the Coalition Government tried to kick out of Australia were saved when the tribunal overturned deportation decisions.

That’s despite the Immigration Department finding the 20 fake asylum seekers lied on their visa applications by saying they were at risk of being killed or persecuted if they returned to their own countries.

The controversy flared after the tribunal supported a fake refugee who claimed he was at real risk of being executed in Iran – only to return there for holidays.

Another 7500 fake refugees who refuse to provide Australian Immigration officials with their personal histories also face deportation. Good.

Yet in Parliament this week the Greens’ Adam Bandt accused Dutton of “beating up on a group of vulnerable people”.

Dutton hit back magnificently. He reminded Bandt he was part of the Labor-Greens alliance that dismantled John Howard’s border protection policies with tragic results.

No fewer than 50,000 people arrived on 800 boats and 1200 of then drowned at sea.

“So I am not going to take a morals lecture from a member of the House who was involved in a government that saw people drown at sea and saw complete chaos, including 8000 children in detention,” said Dutton.
Sorry this is so long ...

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Re: Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Post by Black Orchid » Wed May 31, 2017 8:45 am

Then Dutton revealed the staggering cost of cleaning up Labor’s mess processing these queue jumpers who are politely referred to as uninvited non-citizens.

I don’t think Australians have a clue at the cost of Labor’s asylum seeker blunder.

Said Dutton: “It has cost us as taxpayers $13.7 billion since 2007-08, and it costs us $1.9 billion a year as a country to provide services to the legacy caseload.”

Nevertheless Dutton said Australia was happy to welcome refugees who had been properly vetted.

He told the House the Australian Government has committed to increase the size of the humanitarian program from 13,750 places to 16,250 places in 2017-18, and 18,750 places in 2018-19 and thereafter. That is a record to be proud of.


● A dirty doctor from India who sexually attacked a female teenage diabetic patient. He was convicted of two counts of sexual penetration and three of unlawful and indecent assault. The judge who jailed the married doctor told him: “Your conduct ... is quite despicable”.

● A Chinese drug dealer who dropped out of his Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology international trade course and ended up becoming a major drug dealer instead. He has separate convictions for trafficking ice, heroin and cocaine and handling more than $4 million worth of proceeds of crime.

● A drug-dealing foreign student who was given a protection visa on the grounds that his homosexuality would result in him being persecuted if he went back to his own country as it banned gay relationships – yet he voluntarily returned to his homeland for a holiday to visit his Muslim family.

● A Scottish career criminal with 62 convictions, including for rape, robbery with violence, theft, resisting police, assaulting his partner and breaches of court orders. A delegate for the Immigration Minister argued that the man’s serious offending meant “his continued presence in Australia would entail a significant risk to the community”.

Some of those concerned were charged with violent or sex crimes.

● A pedophile from New Zealand who was convicted of 18 child pornography offences relating to seven children on 15 separate occasions. He took many photographs of the children while they were in his care.

● A New Zealand ice addict who didn’t disclose his extensive criminal record when he entered Australia then continued to commit crimes of violence in Australia while on good-behaviour bonds for other offences. They included beating a man so badly the victim sustained severe and permanent traumatic brain injury.

● A Somalian armed robber who chased and caught a fleeing taxi driver before tying a belt around the driver’s neck and dragging him back to the taxi to rob him. He told the terrified taxi driver he would be killed if he ran away again.

● A heroin dealer from New Zealand who was sentenced to jail 33 times over 127 criminal offences committed during a 29-year crime spree.

● A Maltese rapist convicted of attempted incest with his 12-year-old stepdaughter and the rape of his wife.

● A Vietnamese armed robber with 63 convictions over 15 years, including wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm, assaults, possession of a firearm and unlawful wounding.

● A pedophile from Colombia who groomed his 11-year-old stepdaughter for months before sexually assaulting her.

● A thug from New Zealand convicted of intentionally causing serious injury to his partner. He dragged her into a shed by her hair, threw her down on a mattress and ripped her clothes off before biting her repeatedly all over her body with enough force to draw blood.

● A man from Fiji who was on a good behaviour bond for an earlier assault on his partner while she was holding their baby. He then beat a man so badly the victim was left in a permanent vegetative state. ... e9b2bd5f21

Shouldn't the Minister have the final say? Why is he even there if his decisions are constantly overturned by these fools? Of course there is the argument that no one person should be able to make such crucial decisions alone but these Tribunals seem to be manned by a swathe of traitors to the Australian way of life and the public they are supposed to protect.

Council rejections of new Mosques are constantly being overturned by the Land and Environment Court as well.

The whole system needs an overhaul.

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Re: Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Post by cods » Wed May 31, 2017 11:16 am

its a total mess isnt it.....and the lawyers are laughing all the way to the Banks of course..

funny how people who claim they are persecuted know all about our laws and how far they can push us...

and they do of course... we are sitting ducks waiting to be picked off..

bo we have deported an awful lot we must be grateful for that but its hard work and costly...

I agree enough is enough..

what reason can these Tribunals have for allowing them to stay????... do they ask anyone outside fo the court what they think???>.

imagine walking down the street and seeing the person who murdered your loved one living the life of riley because you can bet they are on welfare.....and breathing the same air as you.... it would kill me..

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Re: Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Post by Bobby » Wed May 31, 2017 5:01 pm

hang them - hang em all.

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Black Orchid
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Re: Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Post by Black Orchid » Wed May 31, 2017 5:02 pm

These idiots who are manning the Tribunals and making decisions for the populace would have been hung for treason in years gone by.

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Re: Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Post by Neferti » Wed May 31, 2017 5:17 pm

The ENTIRE Legal system needs looking into. These "tribunals" are costing the TAXPAYER a mint. Plus they are letting off CRIMINALS ....

I have no idea what can be done ......... but The Federal Government obviously has absolutely NO CONTROL.

ANARCHY is probably the answer. :mrgreen:

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Re: Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Post by Black Orchid » Wed May 31, 2017 6:15 pm

It's getting to the point where anarchy may be the only answer. Sad state of affairs that is.

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Re: Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed May 31, 2017 11:35 pm

That's the leftists for you.

They infiltrate and stack these quangos with bedwetters and Sociocommunarxists who use every millimetre of decision making they are allowed to destroy a society they live in but despise because "fairness" and "equality" :roll:

A bullet is too good for this scum when a single piece of rope could be used to do the whole lot of them.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Post by lisa jones » Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:48 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:That's the leftists for you.

They infiltrate and stack these quangos with bedwetters and Sociocommunarxists who use every millimetre of decision making they are allowed to destroy a society they live in but despise because "fairness" and "equality" :roll:

A bullet is too good for this scum when a single piece of rope could be used to do the whole lot of them.
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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Re: Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:21 pm

Surprised the libtards haven't stacked tribunal full of libtard Patsy's like they have fair work and the AFP , maybe they just want to appear like they're hard on criminals knowing full well the political mileage that comes with it

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