Is there a God

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billy the kid
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Is there a God

Post by billy the kid » Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:57 pm

Prove it...
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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The Reboot
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Re: Is there a God

Post by The Reboot » Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:04 pm

Uh oh, think you're gonna open up a can of worms with this one, Billy :lol:

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billy the kid
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Re: Is there a God

Post by billy the kid » Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:12 pm

The Reboot wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:04 pm
Uh oh, think you're gonna open up a can of worms with this one, Billy :lol:
Im just interested in reading some opinions and what people are going to base those opinions on.
Ive met a few god botherers over the years and they all seem to be wired though
someone dropped them on their head when they were kids....we shall see.....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Black Orchid
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Re: Is there a God

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:41 pm


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Re: Is there a God

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:59 pm


How about the above simple answer.
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Re: Is there a God

Post by Neferti » Tue Jun 25, 2019 5:15 pm

It is, probably, comforting when you are on your death bed, with all the rellies around (with sad faces)that some body says "See you in Heaven, ......

I always wonder when you see a Notice of Death and they say "died, peacefully in the night" ... dying from heart failure cannot be "peaceful" ... or painless.

Until somebody comes back and tells me about the experience ...

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billy the kid
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Re: Is there a God

Post by billy the kid » Tue Jun 25, 2019 5:19 pm ... &FORM=VIRE
Beautiful version by Bryan Ferry....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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The Reboot
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Re: Is there a God

Post by The Reboot » Tue Jun 25, 2019 5:56 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:12 pm
The Reboot wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:04 pm
Uh oh, think you're gonna open up a can of worms with this one, Billy :lol:
Im just interested in reading some opinions and what people are going to base those opinions on.
Ive met a few god botherers over the years and they all seem to be wired though
someone dropped them on their head when they were kids....we shall see.....
Eh fuck it, I was gonna steer clear of posting seriously in this topic but at this present moment I have nothing better to do. Besides, I have an interest in philosophy.

Is there a God? The simple answer is 'no', at least, imo, not as organized religions believe it. That is, an all seeing, all knowing authority figure that watches over us, hears our thoughts, witnesses our 'sins' and dictates how we should behave if we want entry into 'heaven'.

On the flip side, I have had many coincidences in my time that tells me there is definitely more to this life than the scientific, atheistic view.

If you look at the bible, in particular the creation story at the beginning, you will find many similar stories and myths across different civilizations. Many of them also share an apocalyptic story. I think there may be some truth, as the storytellers and writers saw it at the time. I don't believe "God's laws" are legit. I believe people were telling porkies and using it to their advantage to obtain control and ruling over other people.

As time wore on, people began to branch out from religion and superstitions. Religion as a measure of control only applies to a few people now (and the middle east, fanatics of Islam etc). People may be atheists now, but that doesn't mean they are not being manipulated and controlled and are not enslaved to a type of 'God'. I would have to say that the ultimate form of control in this day and age is now money, coupled with technology and politics, but that's a new can of worms, I'll stick to the topic instead of going into a tangent.

If there is a 'God', I don't think he would give a shit who we screw, whether we are married to who we are screwing, whether we dabble in a bit of alcohol or drugs, or dare I say, whether we hurt another human being. Whether 'God' wills it or not, we were born with willpower. Morals and laws are the creation of the human mind, and while it is human nature to have a bit of 'order' (certain rules that are applied fairly to everybody) it is also human nature to be chaotic, to break those laws because we are attracted to that which is the 'forbidden fruit'. The human mind is the ultimate paradox, the ultimate oxymoron, the ultimate duality.

I think the key to living a successful life is to find that balance amongst our insanity.

For instance, if God says we can't judge other people because only he can, then how are we supposed to discern between somebody who is beneficial to our existence, as opposed to somebody who could cause harm to it? It is human nature to "judge", whether God says so or not. Even the religious judge. Did Folau not judge adulterers, thieves, faggots and whoever else was on that meme he posted? I think we are entitled to make a judgment on a character, because it's logical to do so. It's how we learn not to make mistakes that are detrimental to our livelihoods.

God says "turn the other cheek, love thy neighbour." Turn the other cheek and don't judge, so what, we can be doormats and be walked all over for the sake of some moral vanity? Not only that, we are encouraging the evil behaviour of another person, by letting them strike a blow against us and essentially, get away with it. They will continue to spread their misery upon the human race, and I don't think God is gonna save anybody. That person clearly doesn't give a shit what 'God' says, so why should we? "Love thy neighbour." Well that depends entirely on what the neighbour is like. If said neighbour is a child molesting scum then fuck that!

I'll leave off with this post by noting that two of the most war-torn, chaotic regions in the world (Northern Africa and the middle east, particularly the latter) has a high population of extreme religious beliefs. The situation between Israel and Palestine is literally a holy war, a pissing contest between whose God is the true God. So many lives lost and ruined, all because of myth and superstition that some people can't let go of, despite advances in this modern age. Had they been Pagans they could choose between a number of different Gods and be fine with it!

Anyway, just food for thought.

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Black Orchid
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Re: Is there a God

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:54 pm

Excellent thought provoking post Reboot, much of which I agree with.

I will add that although I don't believe in 'life after death' as it is portrayed there could be something I can't explain. My Grandmother had a near death experience (NDE) when she died during surgery. When she told the doctors what was said during the time they were trying to revive her they freaked out and it was spot on. She could see and hear everything said and what was being done. No long white tunnel though lol.

I am just sorry that I don't know more about it because my Mother flatly refused to allow anyone to talk about it.

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Re: Is there a God

Post by sprintcyclist » Tue Jun 25, 2019 8:05 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:54 pm
Excellent thought provoking post Reboot, much of which I agree with.

I will add that although I don't believe in 'life after death' as it is portrayed there could be something I can't explain. My Grandmother had a near death experience (NDE) when she died during surgery. When she told the doctors what was said during the time they were trying to revive her they freaked out and it was spot on. She could see and hear everything said and what was being done. No long white tunnel though lol.

I am just sorry that I don't know more about it because my Mother flatly refused to allow anyone to talk about it.
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