This is getting ridiculous.

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billy the kid
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Re: This is getting ridiculous.

Post by billy the kid » Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:51 pm
Notice how the narrative has changed....
From....we need two weeks to flatten the curve...
To.......we're all in this together....
To.......we have no choice but to lockdown...with a ring of steel....
To.......everyone should get the jab....
To.......MANDATORY jabbing....and JAB PASSPORTS...
You thought 2020 was bad....
You thought 2021 has to be better....
Breaking news....
With the push by businesses for mandatory jabbing and the condoning
of mandatory jabbing by Scumo and the NSW organ grinder....
ITS going to get worse...
People will object to jab passports and mandatory jabbing...
..whilst being locked down at the drop of a hat....
..and with a plan to trial jabs for babies....
This is going to get ugly....
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billy the kid
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Re: This is getting ridiculous.

Post by billy the kid » Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:28 pm

Apparently the mole will allow hairdressers and beauty parlours to re-open
if employees are jabbed....
MORE mandatory jabbing...
Where does this mole get off cherry picking various occupations
who can go back to work if they get a mandatory jab....
This is communism 101....
This is not a democracy...
This is Orwellian....
A tyranny....
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Re: This is getting ridiculous.

Post by billy the kid » Mon Aug 09, 2021 7:18 pm

SO now the protocol has been established....
If theres 1 case reported to the mole...its a lockdown....
This is going to be the status quo from now on...
1 case and its a lockdown....
It happened in happened in Armidale...and now its Byron Bay and Lismore...
And Tamworth is in lockdown with no cases...(the case visited Tamworth and returned to Newcastle)
The contradiction is mind boggling...
The mole tells us that we must be as close to zero cases as possible for freedoms
to be returned...
Yet if theres 1 case...its a lockdown....
There will be no return ever to normal if this is the status quo...
Unless there is a vote of no confidence in the mole...or
she resigns....
Buckleys chance of either happening....
Get ready for a life under a dictator until the next state election....
BUT if youre a hairdresser in Sydney and you get the can go back to work...
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: This is getting ridiculous.

Post by billy the kid » Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:31 pm ... al-process
This is why the mole and everyone else cant mandate jabs...
Provisional approval of the jab by the TGA lasts for two years.
My understanding of this is that no-one can even consider mandating jabs
until that two year period has expired.
This is why haphazzard hasnt introduced mandatory jab legislation in NSW
for health care workers, and neither has Scumo.
He blames Scumo to-day for not telling him what the federal
government wants him to do.....lies....
No-one can mandate jabs in Australia....
All the political leeches can do is threaten, coerce and frighten everyone
to go and get the jab if they want to keep their jobs, get on a plane, see
a football match or buy a hotdog or a beer.....
Its all a con....
This is why Scumo has washed his hands of mandatory jabbing...he cant do it..
All he can do is threaten aged care workers with loss of their jobs
if they dont get jabbbed....
He cant mandate anything...nor can the states...
BUT employers can....and face the consequences....
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Re: This is getting ridiculous.

Post by billy the kid » Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:03 pm ... f4af39ce72
These people are incompetent....and they get away with their incompetence....
Nothing changes...
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: This is getting ridiculous.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:21 am

Dr Murray Wright, NSW Chief Psychiatrist is guest speaker on the organ grinders
press conference today....
The mole has decided that it is necessary for him to be trotted out and lecture
us about how to handle our stress caused by tyrannical government restrictions...
I see...
There are two main reasons for stress....simple...
a) Doing something that you dont want to do...
b) Doing something in a time frame which is insufficient for the task at hand...
The question I ask is how incompetent is the mole to have to trot out a shrink
to tell everyone how to handle stress...!!!
The stress wont stop....
Until the mole resigns...
And this wont happen...
Therefore the stress will remain...
And people will continue to have to do something they dont want to do...
Meanwhile 80% of NSW is under lockdown....
Unbelievable tyranny and incompetence....
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Re: This is getting ridiculous.

Post by Neferti » Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:31 am

You can always use some of these. ;)


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Re: This is getting ridiculous.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:35 am

To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: This is getting ridiculous.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Aug 12, 2021 12:53 pm ... e555f6ea00
The organ grinder has gone stark raving mad...
She initially announced that Y12 kids were going to need a jab
to go back to face to face teaching...
She backflipped on that and then decided to recommend it....
...therefore it wasnt mandatory...
Then she mandated jabs for construction workers...
Now she is floating the idea of mandating the jab for hairdressers,
hotels and gyms...
Why are these specific occupations being chosen for mandating...
In any case, she cant mandate a jab because its illegal...
The Australian Constititution precludes jabbing...
Morrison himself has rejected mandating...
Why isnt Morrison telling the organ grinder she cant do this...
The TGA has only granted provisional approval of the jabs...
Surely this means that any mandate is illegal...
The FDA in the US has to grant full approval before the jabs can
be mandated...they are still under trial til 2023....
A state law, if contrary to federal constitution provisions, fails...
WHY isnt the media all over this.....
This is just tyranny...and the media ignore it....

"Earlier this week, Ms Berejiklian floated the idea that vaccinated hairdressers may be allowed to open again. Workers in hotels or gyms could also be in line to return.
It follows the return of construction workers at unoccupied worksites, with those in eight local government areas of concern also required to be vaccinated.
Construction workers will also be prioritised at a vaccination drive to be held at Sydney Olympic Park this Sunday aimed at providing the jab to 8000 workers."
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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