Human Rights are a load of crap.

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Human Rights are a load of crap.

Post by Bogan » Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:51 am

Human Rights are a load of crap.

The concept of Human Rights was first invented by a bunch of American slave owners, which gives a clue about just how sincere the originators of this potty idea were when they first piously declared it. Human Rights are a western idea which basically enshrine generally accepted western values, some of which conflict with each other. Logic check. If one Human Right conflicts with another, then they both can't be "rights".

The fact that the idea of human rights are concepts which basically enshrines generally accepted western values, means that non western nations do not take human rights seriously at all. But these non western nations realize how they can use Human Rights to manipulate the western morons who have cushy jobs in the sundry UN agencies, and they can always find a way to promote their own interests by using Human Rights. When they are not doing that, they simply ignore them. Members of the UN Human Rights Committee have included China, Saudi Arabia, and Libya. Oh yair, and these guys are interpreting human rights? What sick joke.

Islamic countries think that western inspired Human Rights are so beyond their own cultural values that they have invented their own "Islamic Human Rights." Perhaps these rights are the correct ones that every member of the human race should be following?

Just how out of touch this declaration is, can be seen by the fact that the UN have also invented "Indigenous Human Rights." This is because the morons who run the UN today have figured out that many indigenous minorities will not a have a bar of western invented 'Human Rights", and the minorities want more rights. And they also don't want to be held to the same principles as the rest of humanity. As George Orwell stated so clearly, they want to be "more equal." And naturally, the always groveling to minorities UN caved right in. Therefore, the entire principle of universal human rights is quite self evidently, not universal.

Now, either Human Rights are "universal" and for all humans, or they are not. When you start finding reasons why some groups have to abide by these "rights", while others do not, you just blew the whole logic for them right out of the water.

Next comes the push by lefties to include a whole bunch of their favourite causes as new "Human rights." The latest being that anybody from a third world sheethole should have the Human Right to just barge into any western country, where they have another Human Right to get free room and board. Yeah, sure. Moves are underway to declare "housing" and free medical attention as "Human Rights." Got a lefty cause you want enshrined in law? Just declare your fave cause a Human Right, and who needs to care about elections?

We in the west have secular democracies, and what constitutes a "right" and what does not, is a matter for our electorate. We are sovereign nations, not vassal states of the unelected UN.

Only stupid people believe that any right must be carved in stone. What constitutes a "right" can change with time and change with circumstances. The US Right to Bear Arms made a lot of sense in 1788. But if the founding fathers had seen what a AR 15 rifle could do in seconds to a McDonalds restaurant full of mums, dads, and kids, they might have thought differently.

Take any 'Right" to an extreme interpretation and it becomes a parody of what it was first created to protect. Unfortunately, there is a not insignificant proportion of any population who think entirely in terms of black and white morality. There can be no fifty shades of grey for them. Moral priorities and moral quandaries can't even register in their sclerotic brains. And they are the ones who want all morality carved in stone forever as Human Rights.

The best you can say about Human Rights are that they are generally good western principles. But they can never apply in every circumstance, because there is no principle which can always be practical in every situation as time moves on.

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